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 Branding Agency

We turn ideas into awesome brands

We make strategy and creativity our lifestyle to generate ROI and sustainable brands.

Inspiring cases

Since 2015, we’ve been working with startups, SMEs, and large companies.


How we boost your brand

Brand Strategy

We develop personalized strategies that align your brand’s vision with your business goals.


Brand Identity

We build unique brand identities that resonate with your audience.


Design and Art Direction

We offer high-impact design and art direction to strengthen your brand’s visual presence.


Brand Management

We manage your brand to ensure consistency and sustained growth.


We work with startups, SMEs, and big companies.

Happy tales

Brass Up

Buenos Aires branding agency.

First, the marketing communication proposed by this design agency, also a branding agency, covers graphic design, among other things. Above all, video, photo, photography, and also brand design and promotion. Next, brand marketing will be sought as a form of web page design, as well as site design or website design. Also, brand positioning leads a start-up to carry out product design and web positioning; according to the graphic production and the company’s editorial. Second, logos, logo design, and also logos for advertising agencies. However, the typography design adds to the web banner and web banner design. That is marketing or brand marketing. Instead, social media management follows audiovisual production. Also, add the photographs that are uploaded on the institutional website. Likewise, we are a branding agency in New York. However, we act as a Buenos Aires branding agency within several San Francisco branding agencies.

Graphic design. Branding agencies.

On the other hand, the editorial design contains brand advice that provides brand awareness; it also promotes creativity in an advertising agency or creative studio. As is customary in advertising, the communication strategy leads us towards a relevant website, logo, logotype, isotype, and design studio. In the same way, we design the image, logos, isotypes, and the image design of the company. Also, design, photography, and brand. Second, merchandising as brand image design and also for advertisements. Finally, post design and social media design go hand in hand. However, web banner design does not help web banners. Therefore branding or branding agency. Instead, video editing and brand management go together. On the other hand, the promotion also has its character and is essential for an advertising agency in San Francisco.

Brand design. Branding agency.

Then we do logo design, the design study, brand image, and image design for entrepreneurs. In addition to company image and business marketing, we specialize in corporate image design, merchandising design, packaging, and brand image design. Therefore, an advertisement requires graphics, merchandising design, advertising graphics, and packaging design in accordance with aesthetics. Also, web pages and page design. Finally, merchandising design goes hand in hand with advertising and advertising graphics. However, the branding proposal and marketing campaign does not go with the stationery design. Therefore, graphic design or communication. Instead, video editing and brand management no.

Advertising agency. Branding agency.

Just as a graphic advertisement represents labels and label design, entrepreneurs advise; On the other hand, social media helps social networks and community managers. Indeed, the community manager makes posts and posts by managing social networks. On the other hand, audiovisual production, video editing, and brand management go much further. Also, label and design labels. Later, the advertising graphics and the advertising do the posting design and the audiovisual. Finally, video editing, banner design, and banner design are still together. However, the design of the flyer and also the poster design do not match. Therefore, photography or brand design. On the other hand, stationery and institutional typography are separated.

Marketing agency. Branding agencies.

On the one hand, are the banners or banner design, and on the other hand are the poster or poster design. In other words, stationery, especially institutional stationery, is essential to define the institutional video of a branding agency. In the same way, the flyers and the flyer design are a significant contribution to the advertising spot and the institutional typography. Certainly, the advertising campaign must be considered for the stationery design, the marketing campaign, and the comprehensive branding proposal. Likewise, the branding proposal reaches the point of making a web banner according to the typography design or typographic design and digital marketing. Also, brand marketing, web design, and editorial. Finally, the banner or poster design goes with the institutional stationery. However, the poster design and the banner can go together. Therefore, the web page or page design of advertising agencies. Instead, typography and stationery design go together.

Creative agency. Branding agency.

Instead, creative ideas are fed by advertising, photography, and web banners. Likewise, a creative concept suggests different ideas, concepts, and insights. Finally, you cannot discuss an idea without having firm creative concepts or a coherent creative idea for a branding agency. Similarly, a branding agency has design and its designs, photos, and videos in its blood. In conclusion, a brand, a website, or a web page is essential for any start-up that opts for a healthy positioning; also, good brand advice. Also, brand, creativity, and website advice. Finally, the design of flyers and spots helps with typography. However, editing helps brand management from the start. Therefore, web page design or marketing. On the other hand, stationery design and typography design do not mix.

Branding agency.

In any case, the creative must look after an advertising agency or advertising agency that makes a logo design; also the iso-logotype or image design that communicates the brand image and the corporate image design. Likewise, the corporate and brand image designs are similar graphs. On the other hand, typographic design and banner design can coexist. In short, the packaging design adds graphic advertisements and helps advise entrepreneurs in label design; Neither does social media or brand management. Then, the banner design serves brand management, poster or flyer design, or branding agency. Also, advertisements and graphics. Finally, the flyer design and the advertising campaign help the typography design. However, social media management follows photography. Therefore, web pages or packaging for advertising agencies.

Branding Miami. Branding agency.

In addition, we add business events. Also, corporate events and congress organizations. In the same way, we come to provide event and congress organization services. Lastly, we opened a branch in Florida where we focus on corporate services and organize events of all kinds. We also try to organize congresses in Paraguay. However, we set the bar very high in events in Asunción. Also, in congresses in New York. Finally, we add events for companies in Miami. First, we organize corporate events that are positively impregnated in the memory of the attendees. We also use emotions, the senses, and neuroscience. Finally, we go through all the intermediate stages, ensuring an event tailored to each brand.

Event agency. Branding agencies.

Secondly, our team focuses exclusively on conferences and business events. In addition, we provide this specialization and customization as added value. Likewise, we added an events agency in New York and another events agency in Paraguay. However, we are an event producer in Miami, but not the best event producer in Florida. Finally, we will make the best organization of events in the country. We also emerged as the best event agency in Florida. At the same time, we think we are the best congress-organizing agency in Atlanta. On the other hand, we continue to be the best event-organizing agency in Georgia.

Digital marketing agency. Branding agency.

First, Big Sur is a Google-certified agency with Google Partner Premier recognition. In addition to recognizing and rewarding us for good practices in Google Search, Display, and Video. Secondly, we are part of the 17 agencies with the most significant growth potential in Latin America. Likewise, Google provides us with eight resources for campaign optimization. However, the challenge is to take a position on stories that convey the same passion and pride as those of the target audience; also make them identify with them. Lastly, using SEO and SEM tools to promote the brand and the campaign, thus reaching both the client and the general public. Also, organizing events for clients and potential clients that arise from a 360 action on the web. In addition, surprise the participants with innovative and creative efforts so that they later go viral.

Digital marketing campaign with a branding agency.

Finally, we have breakfasts and invitations to events in Google World. In the same way, we seek brand recognition, launching a new business unit, loyalty, and 360 connection. First, conduct an intensive social media campaign to connect with the target audience and transmit the message effectively. Also, use Google tools to position the brand and the product and capture leads. Secondly, carry out and launch campaigns with audiovisual pieces in different formats that transmit the passion and pride of belonging to the brand. In the same way, they put together testimonial videos throughout the country and tell the stories of those behind the wheel.

Brand DNA: what is it and how to build it? Branding agency.

To begin with this blog and explain Brand DNA, it would be good to draw a parallel with the natural world. Marketing and advertising are social disciplines that act as positioning and promotion tools and generators of strategies to persuade, dialogue, or convince. Likewise, they are social actors with a life of their own, like the brands they create, capable of adapting and modifying their environment.

DNA is a compendium of genetic information of living beings, and in the same way, brands are born, grow, reproduce and die. That means that in the brand’s DNA, we can find different key aspects: emotional, numerical, philosophical, and behavioral. That is why the brand’s DNA, its essence, is crucial when determining its growth and evolution. Therefore, it makes it the backbone of a brand’s identity; what is and what is not a brand. At the same time, it defines their personality, behavior, virtues, needs, past, present, and future.

The ten factors that make up brand DNA. Branding agency.

To build a brand’s genetic map, we can use several factors to help us understand how an organization works. These factors define the organization’s relationship with its brands and determine its DNA.

  1. Identity:

It refers to the origin of its meaning, the reason for being. It is a key concept for constructing and developing a brand and its subsequent positioning.

  1. Philosophy:

Firstly, this is the most human brand factor and responds to specific basic questions, such as the objective facts that define a brand or company. Secondly, how we present the brand to others, the tone in which it speaks, how it communicates, its codes, and what it thinks of itself. Thirdly, the emotional dimension of the brand from the customer’s point of view, what it represents, and what the client feels when working or consuming that brand. Finally, the thoughts the client projects when using a brand and the image others decode.

  1. Culture:

It includes a set of factors shared by the members of an organization linked to their way of being and performing. These factors become singular facts perceived both inside and outside an organization. They are what mark its differentiation, positioning, and its internal cohesion.

  1. Values:

It refers to attributes capable of transmitting the brand’s very essence. They do not change over time and serve as means of connecting with customers.

  1. Personality:

Personality is the combination of features that determines the key elements with which the brand is expressed. It is acquired through its most representative values ​​and benefits.

  1. Purpose:

The Purpose helps to understand the why and what of a brand, both inside and outside the organization. It goes beyond the brand’s functional benefits and has an emotional and social reach.

  1. Speech:

The way of relating to stakeholders, the levels of communication, and the language used, make up an amalgamation of characteristics that a brand’s DNA includes. “What we cannot communicate does not exist.” So this transcendental factor must have an impact on the brand’s message. Also, in its tone, content, the stories it tells, and the emotional impact that results in connection with the target audience.

  1. Positioning:

Positioning is crucial to understand the role of the brand in the market and the needs, emotions and desires it satisfies. It is a solid, credible, relevant, differential, and lasting definition that describes the essence of the brand and its reason for being. At the same time, it gives it meaning, making it understandable for internal and external audiences. You can learn more about positioning here.

  1. Differentiation:

This factor is closely linked to the concept of positioning. It is difficult for today’s brands to stand out in a globalized and oversaturated market. Differential values ​​are the factors that make the brand unique, distinguishing it from the competition. They can be both rational and emotional.

  1. Territoriality:

This factor is often not considered but is decisive when building a brand. It is about the tangible and intangible space a brand occupies, defined by its nature and rational and emotional aspirations before its stakeholders. This territoriality is closely related to positioning and creates the context in which it will develop.

Know thyself, impact later. Branding services.

There is no doubt that brands are part of the daily life of human beings. In a certain sense, they are also living elements that grow, develop, mutate, transform, evolve, and sometimes die. Therefore, for successful brand management, it is necessary to investigate its structure, history, and DNA to obtain the most significant possible knowledge regarding its essence and its reason for being. In short, the brand’s DNA will help us better understand its place worldwide.

Likewise, we will be able to have a detailed overview of the health of a brand and the ills that may afflict it and be prepared for the threats that may arise. Therefore, building a brand means making its DNA, those fundamental pillars on which it is based.

Today, with the incredible development in new communication channels, new technologies, generations Y, Z, millennials, transmedia, virtual reality, and sharing economy, brands are much more than a story, a unique selling proposition, or a simple icon. They are a complex amalgamation of ideas, values, proposals, and attributes that impact customers in countless ways in an increasingly interconnected and globalized world.

Positioning: conquer minds or conquer hearts? Branding agency.

There is so much literature to address the topic of brand positioning that one would need help knowing where to start. We should go deeper into this concept and beyond the colloquial definition found in most marketing and advertising books. In that case, we must consider what we saw in previous blogs—in this way, positioning as such takes on a new dimension.

Positioning is a revolutionary concept developed by Al Ries and Jack Trout in 1981. The authors defined positioning as the scaffolding on which companies build their brands. Also, a tool to create strategies for brand planning and extending customer relationships.

Positioning takes into account the combination of price, product, place, and promotion: the famous 4Ps of marketing. These are but the four dimensions that affect sales. Ries and Trout affirm each company must determine its position in the customer’s mind. In other words, consider the client’s needs, the company’s strengths and weaknesses, and the competitive landscape.

We can understand it better when they say that “the fundamental approach to positioning is not to create something new and different but to manipulate what is already in mind; reorder existing connections.” At first glance, this positioning concept is entirely outdated for the times. So it’s time to think about new ways to reach customers and put aside obsolete communication concepts.

Positioning is not manipulating. Branding agency.

It is essential to reflect that we cannot think of positioning as a form of manipulation nowadays. More than trying to influence the minds of consumers, communication sciences must be aware that people are less and less like sheep following a herd. They are the ones who make the decisions from the depths of their limbic brain, the most emotional part. They are the ones who feel what is right and what is wrong. That is why today’s positioning is not the place that a brand or product occupies in the minds of consumers but the place they occupy when interacting with those. In other words, if during the last century, we found positioning in little boxes in the neocortex, the most rational part of the brain, in the new millennium, we can see it in an interconnected constellation of emotions within the limbic brain, where decision making lies.

First does not mean Number 1. Why? Branding agency.

Similarly, as Ries and Trout mention, we cannot think that the best way to position a brand is to be the first. We can base this concept on a simple, practical check. For example, ask someone who was the first human being to walk on the moon, and then ask if they can name the second. Or what is the name of the highest mountain in the world, followed by what is the second?

These questions seem irrelevant in an age where you can have information from five national libraries on a smartphone. Today, the principle of first-come advantage postulated by Ries and Trout has been completely ruled out as a factor in achieving competitive advantage and, eventually, the success of a brand or product.

One of the hundreds of examples of this is the case of the Apple iPod. Not only because it wasn’t the first company to put an mp3 music player on the market – Creative Technology Ltd. did it almost two years before Apple – but because the other companies were much better able to launch this kind of music player. Despite this, the six-day queue outside the premises was for the IPod and not for Creative Technology’s Zen.

New generations. Branding agency.

You can see then that the new generations don’t need to memorize. They don’t need to go to the part of their brain where they keep the little boxes of analytical data. They are more connected to the limbic part of your brain, the emotional part. That is why they are not looking for tangible things, products, or services. What they are looking for are experiences.

Therefore, the products and services offered in the market and eventually purchased by consumers are only tangible evidence of their beliefs. That is what they want to externalize to the world. Again, it is not about the brands, products, and services but how consumers see themselves with them.

Simon Sinek is worth quoting on this point when he says that “products with a clear sense of why give people a way to tell the outside world who they are and what they believe in.” Therefore, we should not seek a positioning in the consumer but from the consumer. That should be the starting point and the goal of any advertising or communication campaign.

Positioning and Leadership. Branding agency.

Correspondingly, talking about positioning implies, to a great extent, talking about leadership. Every company is looking for its brands to be top of mind in each category. But to analyze this issue more deeply, what we do is to differentiate the leader from the one who leads. That is, fight to conquer the minds of consumers. The leader holds a position of influence or power and has got there through some kind of manipulation. Instead, someone who leads is the one who manages to inspire the audience and reach their hearts.

Leaders don’t need to resort to manipulation. They are what they are and make their followers feel they can be too. Sinek makes this distinction when he mentions that the leader has a plan. The one who leads has an idea, a vision, and a dream. That’s where the inspiration comes from, which calls the audience to follow him. Leaders invite them to believe they can also contribute to the cause. They encourage them to take it as their own. In this way, the key to leadership is to lead people to action and do things they wouldn’t otherwise be willing to do. It gives them a purpose, a channel to express their being.

But becoming a leader is something that takes work to achieve. It is not something that happens overnight. Leading requires time, consistency, and communicating the brand’s purpose and vision. This way, we will generate a strong sense of belonging and community.

Beyond a simple competition. Branding agency Miami.

On the other hand, leadership also requires seeing further. Those who lead don’t have to jump barriers because they don’t directly see them. Their authenticity, vision, and intuition are the attributes that differentiate them from the rest. Having a plus over the rest leads the brand to offer something the audience does not expect. In this way, the question of leadership could lead us to think that positioning is, in a certain way, a competition, a struggle to reach the top. But the reality is that it encompasses much more than this.

For Salanova and Schaufeli, we should not see leadership as a game of power relations. Instead, we should see it as transformational, motivating leadership that raises interest and generates a clear collective vision. The authors, specialists in positive psychology, argue that leaders act as role models. They must inspire and stimulate innovation and creativity, thus fulfilling a clear motivational mission.

Positioning is as complex as the consumer’s mind. Branding agency.

This analysis shows that we must address the issue with a flexible approach. That is because infinite practical, emotional, psychological, social, and cultural matters coexist in the minds of consumers. At the same time, we also find habits, customs, desires, beliefs, values, norms, and estates. All this derives in a complex plot when approaching the target audience with an advertising message.

People live daily with many brands, even those that don’t use or know what products or services they provide. This coexistence occurs in the consumer’s mind. That is why their mental construction of their world leads them to consider countless scenarios in which they interact with brands.

That notion can reach such a point that one customer in a bar doesn’t order a beer but a Corona. In this example, the separation in your mind between the product and the brand becomes impossible. That is how it loads it with a new meaning and turns it into a signifier. That doesn’t mean that for this person, the only way to say beer is the word Corona. The same consumer can have a Corona on the beach or a Heineken at home without this conditioning their positioning. Both may have equal positioning as each is perfect for every consumption occasion in the consumer’s mind. Again, the important thing isn’t how the brands want to be seen but how the consumers see themselves when interacting with them.

Beyond categories. Branding services Miami.

In this new millennium, we subscribe the competition to occupy a place in the customers’ minds to a struggle to get into their lives, dreams, beliefs, and values. That is a battle to be part of their daily life moments, accompanying them in their achievements and failures. So we can no longer consider positioning in categories like beers, cleaning supplies, mp3 players, or computers.

Companies must go beyond categories. Make their way into the different consumption occasions and, if they do not exist, try to create new ones. That could disrupt the consumer’s mind, which is neither more nor less than market segmentation. In summary, positioning is essential in constructing a brand since it is directly linked to its identity and character. These elements explain the brand’s “why,” its reason for being, and what differentiates it from the competition.

What is base positioning? Branding agency Miami.

Finally, the problem with brands today is the risk of falling into the same strategies that make it difficult to differentiate from one another. Suppose we add the excess of information, the oversaturation of messages, and the attention deficit of consumers. In that case, it creates a vicious that makes companies bet on the same remedies that caused the pandemic.

Therefore, what brands must look for if they want to lead the minds of their target audience is to become the very expression of the subject’s interiority. That is, to be the visible face of their personality, their representation to the outside world.

Similarly, it is vital that both share beliefs and values that take the subject-object relationship to a deeper level. We call this type of positioning base positioning. It is essential for developing any communication, branding, or brand management plan. But it’s not the only one.

There are other types of positioning in strategic terms, such as product, point of sale, communication, or price. In conclusion, the main brands’ problems are their inability to stand out amid so many messages and channels and their lack of connection with the audience. Therefore, today’s brand fights are not about a place in the minds of consumers; they go on to fight for a place in their hearts. And, as we will discuss later, this leads to emotional relationships—couple relationships.

From convergence to divergence. The new business landscape. Branding services Miami.

Basic concepts of convergence and divergence. Rebranding.

The concepts of convergence and divergence came from the natural world and were introduced almost two centuries ago by Charles Darwin. One of the pillars upon which Darwinian theory is based is natural selection.

This theory assumes a parameter of evolutionary change for all living organisms through the development of adaptive skills to the environment in which they live. The great diversity of species and organisms found on the planet is proof of these changes.

According to Darwin, there are two forms of evolution according to the diversification of organisms. On the one hand, convergent evolution occurs when organisms occupy similar environments. These tend to have significant similarities in their forms, even if they are unrelated species. And on the other, divergent evolution occurs when a population is isolated from the rest of the species.

As a result, and according to different adaptations, different forms emerge. However, they maintain the structures of the original type.

The analogy. Branding services.

At this point, an analogy with the natural world can offer fruitful insight into creating lasting brands. We must consider the above forms (convergence and divergence) to discuss brand evolution and survival. Since the 2008 crisis, we could observe a trend in companies’ unstoppable search to secure a dominant position in the market. That is the commitment to the convergence of its products and services. In this way, they added features and incorporated functionalities that, in most cases, didn’t provide significant competitive advantages. Finally, in many cases, this led them to a resounding failure. Therefore, what companies need to strengthen their brands is, first of all, to be clear about the power of the divergence principle. Second, they should apply it in developing new product categories from existing ones. And finally, put all their efforts into becoming the first brand in these new categories.

The power of consumers. Rebranding.

Considering what Al Ries explains, the product categories stay consistent until the products are available on the market. However, we don’t believe that consumers are ignorant people who don’t know what they want until someone shows it to them.

Today’s consumers are becoming more informed, connected, and confident of what they want and don’t. On the other hand, although it sounds paradoxical, they are more open to trying new things. That implies exploring, experimenting, and putting all their senses into play to affirm their identity.

Traditional marketing sought to discover customers’ desires and exploit them to the fullest at a lower cost than the competition. That would inevitably lead to convergence, lack of innovation, and loss of audience interest in brands. On the contrary, generating divergence means jumping establishment, breaking the rules with products and services that become value propositions that meet customers’ needs, not impose them. That also implies a change in how they connect and interact with them.

Therefore, this speaks of a new era of consumers. More mature and determined, who know what they want and, if they can’t find it, they do it themselves. It is worth noting the exponential growth in entrepreneurship, many of which began as the solution to an unsatisfied need of the entrepreneur himself, who had no choice but to investigate and put it into practice.

New markets, new opportunities. Branding agency Miami.

To summarize, the opportunities for a brand’s growth and positioning are not in the existing markets but in creating new ones. In this globalized world, competing in already consolidated markets is impossible. There, supply and demand are fragmented, with little room for new players.

As Al Ries clarifies, for the launch or relaunch of a brand that intends to last over time, we must seek to separate it from the existing products or services to generate a new market in which to establish its dominance. That is, to go from the convergence to the divergence of the markets.

The main objective of any brand management process shouldn’t be to create a specific market but to try to understand the minds of potential customers. This search is neither more nor less than positioning. The key is understanding the consumer, knowing and valuing him, achieving his respect and recognition, and then offering him what he needs resoundingly.

Where are the brands going? From convergence to divergence. Branding services.

For Al Ries, two principles governed the theory of evolution: the gradual change of the same species and the separation of one condition from another to create a new one. The first occurs slowly. It is based on competition between individuals of the same species and the survival of the fittest. The second occurs abruptly and is produced by the increasingly accentuated division between them. That is also the case in marketing and business.

Brand rivalry drives improvement, and competition between categories drives them apart. That is why, although convergence seems to be an attractive path for developing a brand, it ends up locking it into a range of multiple attributes, of which we finally use a few, turning it into a failure. In conclusion, the principles of convergence and divergence are closely related to a significant concept, such as positioning. This concept frames the “reason why” for every brand. That is to leave a profound mark on customers, become their standard, and become a loved brand.

What is brand equity, and why should we take care of it? Rebranding.

The ultimate goal of branding as a discipline should be to create strong, relevant, and recognized brands that make lasting ties with customers. That is loyalty, passion, and love. Adding value that customers perceive when interacting with a brand. That is brand equity, where all its power and capacity for transcendence lies. Therefore, it goes from being a symbol to becoming a memory, a story, or a feeling in the heart. In this way, understanding the true power of brands and their ability to influence the hearts of consumers is a primary condition to manage brand equity growth. It refers not only to the USP but also to its symbolic, emotional, or aspirational value. Thus, we can see this value in all brand’s marketing and communication actions that customers perceive.

Remember the time…

Finally, time completes the concept. Therefore, to know the essence of brand equity, evaluating all the perceptions, interactions, and touchpoints the client has with the brand over time is necessary. Brand equity is much more significant than any communication campaign or action. Beyond how creative or innovative it may be. Brand equity transcends branding, rebranding, companies, mergers, corporations, and markets. It is as big and complex as the universe that can inhabit the minds of consumers. Everyone is unique, unrepeatable, and has increasingly particular beliefs and values.

Building brand equity takes time. Branding services Miami.

The time factor is crucial to understand that branding is not a discipline we can address in the short term. Furthermore, we cannot treat it as a lifeline to hide marketing plan flaws. Nor will it serve as a safeguard against errors in market research. That happened to Coca-Cola in the eighties with New Coke and not long ago with Coca-Cola Life. Modern branding must start from a long-term strategic vision.

We must see each action, each campaign, and each customer approach – with successes and failures – as an investment. And the customers, with their experiences and realities, will mold and shape the brand over time. That is what will build true brand equity. In other words, brand equity is a capitalizable investment that doesn’t depend on external factors but on the customers’ evaluations and experiences.

Therefore, if a brand has a history, it also has a measurable, palpable, and possibly, redeemable brand equity. All this is to reposition it with new values and experiences following the customers’ current needs and realities. However, orienting branding towards value creation doesn’t mean it becomes a positive value.

Poor branding management acts that companies’ directors may commit, misdirected marketing campaigns and even product failures can negatively affect brand equity.

How to preserve brand equity and make it grow? Branding agency.

Different elements contribute to the growth and maintenance of brand equity, which Kevin Keller explains very well. First, there is brand awareness. That is related to the level of relevance or notoriety that the brand has in the minds of consumers. In other words, how aware are they of the brand’s existence; how strong is the brand’s presence in people’s memory?

We can measure brand awareness through the ability of customers to recognize the brand in different circumstances and conditions. Two essential concepts follow from this. One is brand recognition, or the level of consumer exposure to the brand to later recognize it at the point of sale or in everyday life. The other is brand recall, which is the ability to associate the brand with the product category or the need it covers. In this regard, Keller mentions that awareness is very beneficial and has three well-marked advantages.

The first is the learning advantage. It refers to the customers’ first associations concerning the brand and how they can store them in their memory. It also regards the associations and assessments that they can make of them. In this way, brand awareness helps the customer learn about the products or services.

More benefits of brand equity. Rebranding.

The second is the considering advantage. In this case, brand awareness is also beneficial for it to be part of the set of considerations that the consumer has when thinking about their purchases. As this set is usually limited, the brands that occupy that place will prevent others from entering. The third advantage of brand awareness is choice. In low-relevance decision-making scenarios, Keller explains that brand awareness can be critical to product choice. That happens when customers only care a little about the product or service. It also happens when they need more knowledge or capacity regarding them.

How to create brand awareness? Branding services Miami.

From the perspective of traditional marketing, the answer seems simple and repetitive in the broadest sense of the word. It would apply the old-known formulas of issuing a message that includes the name, logo, and slogan. Then spread it through as many media as possible. And finally, repeat it as far as the budget can reach. These recipes that play with statistical and probabilistic data are far from the modern branding conception at all.

In a contemporary vision, the focus is on the consumer and winning his heart. A viral video aimed at the right audience is much more effective today than all T.V. diaper ads and campaigns. For this reason, in this new concept of branding, creating brand awareness is not breaking into the minds of consumers with blows, conveying the same message repeatedly. It is about touching their hearts by transmitting something that connects them more with themselves and reinforces their subjectivity, their very being.

Image is everything. Rebranding.

Brand image is the second element contributing to brand equity’s consolidation. It is “customers’ perceptions about a brand, as reflected by the brand associations held in consumer memory.” (Keller, 2008, p. 51). Therefore, the brand image is not related to the visual field in a restrictive way. We can see that as a mental construction, an idea transmitted and germinating in the consumer’s mind.

This idea can be associated with many words, names, messages, feelings, and characteristics that can surround a brand and complete its image. In other words, a brand is much more than a name, a logo, and a slogan.

A brand is everything that surrounds it in the minds of consumers and defines it for what it is. Therefore, if brand image is a mental construction based on associations, we can build it thanks to certain intangible aspects we can use. First, there is the need to define a demographic and psychographic profile of customers. That is to connect with the target audience and let them transmit the necessary associations to the rest. Secondly, there are associations to the use of the product or consumption situations. We can convey this by defining a specific sales channel and purchase experience. Also, in the particular place and time to consume it, and in what activities we can use it.


Another aspect that can help build the brand image is its personality. The distinctive features of a subject’s personality can be easily associated with the brand and be decisive in constructing its image. Finally, there are associations with history or past experiences.

The story’s emotional power is of great help in building a brand image and leaves powerful ties with the audience. What is essential for proper brand management is that the associations mentioned above are favorable. That means they meet the customer’s expectations regarding satisfying a need. Also, they are unique – which means they are not the same as the competition.

An example of this is the strong position of Fernet Branca. It’s so powerful that it even uses the word “unique” in its tagline. The audience’s association with the brand in the fernet category is practically immediate. The level of brand awareness, brand image, and awareness is so great that the consumer hardly has to choose.

In summary. Branding agency.

To conclude, management-oriented toward brand equity growth is necessary to construct solid and coherent brands. This approach provides a wide variety of fully measurable parameters. These end up configuring a roadmap to achieve successful strategic branding planning. Finally, we can build brand equity after a while. It is a task that takes time; the time it takes to build customer relationships, to exchange experiences, values, attitudes, and stories.

How to build a successful brand? Branding services Miami.

The following article will teach you how to build a successful brand. We will give you some step-by-step tips so that you can put together your checklist. They are based on the four pillars of the brand, and you can apply them in all categories. In future articles, we will touch on them in detail. We will not delve into each one, but they will serve as a guide or thermometer of good brand management.

The first step is related to brand identity. It consists of defining it coherently and consistently to ensure customers identify it and associate it with a category, product, or need. That is the first approach to the brand. At the same time, it joins it to its main attribute, in which emotion does not participate but simply memory, the cognitive part of the subject.

The second step refers to a subjective construction of the broad meaning of the brand. Here the tangible and intangible associations of the brand are incorporated. That is the mental construction that the consumer makes, in which the emotions, experiences, and personalities of both participate.

The third step requires the brand to get involved with the customer experience and generate adequate responses to its identification and meaning.

Finally, the fourth step unifies the previous ones by seeking to turn brand responses into lasting customer relationships. That will lead to a higher level of brand loyalty.

One last tip. Design studio.

According to Kevin Keller, all the steps for building a strong brand cannot happen simultaneously. You must follow them as in a chain of blocks. Therefore, we can only think of meaning by generating a coherent brand identity. Now you know the key points of how to build a successful brand. Follow our blog for more tips.

The old marketing paradigms. Branding agency.

Organizations, like people, are complex entities structured and determined by the environment in which they develop. Most of them today follow the guidelines of traditional marketing. These guidelines are the old marketing paradigms. That notion seeks to generate demand by offering more of the same at a more competitive price. The result leads to the stagnation of brands, the lack of innovation, and, fundamentally, not listening to the customer as the main link in the chain of brand equity.

But… what is a paradigm? Design studio.

“Paradigms offer acceptable models with which we can approach problem-solving” (Braidot, 1997). But when some radical change occurs, these paradigms can prevent the development and acceptance of new ideas. For this reason, the first challenge for any brand that intends to be innovative is to fight against the old models embedded in the organizational culture.

For his part, the English philosopher Simon Sinek intends to break down certain paradigms that prevent organizations from advancing along the path of innovation. Sinek argues that a widespread mistake when talking about innovation is to confuse the term with novelty. Unlike innovations, novelties are easily matched and even surpassed by the competition. So something new does not imply that it is innovative. In this sense, it is what most companies have done in recent decades. They add new attributes and functionalities to their products and services without breaking paradigms or skipping pre-established patterns.

In the same way, they seek to focus on the sale, profitability, or safety of what is already known to replicate the same formulas repeatedly. Below we will explain these old marketing paradigms and what we can do to overcome them.

What are the old marketing paradigms? The golden circle. Branding agency.

According to Sinek, all organizations and individuals know what they do. Many know how they do it, but only a few know why. The hierarchical relationship between these three questions forms what the author calls the golden circle. The relevance of this innovative concept leads to rethinking a whole way of seeing organizations and their business models.

For example, it was knowing why what led Apple to be one of the most innovative and successful companies in the world. The answer to that question sums up its whole reason for being. That is thinking differently and challenging the status quo in everything it does. We can link that to how people and organizations think and act.

We can also connect it to specific parameters that delimit communication and interaction with the world. That communication goes from the most defined to the most diffuse for a large majority. From the plausible outer shell to the amorphous forms in which specific models transform their reason for being. But, as Sinek says, those inspired people and companies who manage to overcome these barriers and make a significant leap communicate from the inside out, from deep self-knowledge.

The first paradigm. Design studio.

In the first place, one of the best-known traditional marketing paradigms is seeking to rationalize customers’ purchase decisions. It achieves this through linear communication limited to listing the attributes and virtues of the products and services offered. Likewise, it manages to exalt how different and better they are compared to the competition and hopes that the audience accepts it without further ado because it is what is supposed to happen.

On the other hand, advances in recent decades in neuroscience, neuropsychology, and positive psychology have unleashed a revolution in marketing. These advances began to break down those old marketing paradigms, giving rise to neuromarketing. That new discipline seeks to respond to the reason for certain behaviors in customers and organizations.

These advances facilitate the understanding of the human brain and mind in decision-making. Likewise, the most evolved part of the brain, the rational part, rarely takes action regarding consumption. Therefore, a product’s or service’s attributes and benefits are not decisive in purchasing.

Ergo. Branding services.

Apple’s success and communication show that people don’t buy what a company does; they buy why it does it. That creates a link between the brand and the consumer at a much deeper level. That bond goes beyond rationality and established models. The purchase decision thus becomes an act of faith. So the goal is not to sell to people what a company has. Therefore, the goal is to sell to people who share the same beliefs. So the key is not in the product and its benefits but in the brand’s beliefs and values that it represents.

The second paradigm. Branding agency New York.

Another of the old marketing paradigms we must try to break down is the famous 4P model. This model has served traditional marketing for decades as a roadmap for developing any plan, campaign, or launch. The notions of product, price, place, and promotion make noise in an empty box in the face of the new millennium marketing challenges. Therefore, recycling and adapting these concepts to current market demands is necessary.

Questioning the 4Ps of marketing. Design studio.

As mentioned, thinking about the product is a poor starting point. Most companies start their marketing plans outside-in of Sinek’s golden circle. They put all their efforts into the product, into its benefits, into enriching the USP, and they forget the important thing: why they do it.

At the same time, they are permanently attentive to the competition. This strategy automatically leads us to think of positioning by price and an absurd war that takes the focus off the ultimate goal: the consumer. As for the square, it is vital to know how within the golden circle. Given the great competition and proliferation of increasingly innovative products and services, it is valid to bring up the principle of divergence.

To differentiate yourself in saturated markets, you have to sub-segment. That is to go to niches where there is room to innovate and break through to new markets. The “how” will be the roadmap that will guide the reason for being of the company and will lead brands to connect with customers more effectively. It is your differential value, your unique selling proposition. Knowing how to be in the exact place with the particular assortment at the precise time is crucial.

Finally, to talk about promotion, you must understand that the business is to contact and influence the audience rather than the channels used in this globalized and hyper-connected world. That is because these channels will quickly go out of fashion, and others will replace them. Radio, television, and Facebook could soon be obsolete channels for communication.

The third marketing paradigm. Branding agency.

Another of the old marketing paradigm is related to communication. Today, customers want first-person experiences and aren’t in the mood to wait for answers. People want to speak and want someone to listen. Desire, freedom, identity, and emotions are intrinsic values of the new generations.

Companies build demands around them that they must keep their promise. The audience is increasingly skeptical of a discursive apparatus that tells them what to think or how to live. Whether a political or advertising speech, the message is crossed by a language that is losing effectiveness. For this reason, people no longer believe in brands, politicians, or organizations. They seek to relate to their peers by exchanging ideas, anecdotes, and advice. They even purchase goods and services in collaborative communities with similar values and beliefs.

It does not surprise the exponential growth that TripAdvisor has had in recent years. The collaborative tourism social network owes its success to the fact that it empowers users to share their opinions, photos, and anecdotes to make the best decision regarding their trips. Therefore, communication no longer goes through a two-way channel with a single interlocutor but moves through multiple increasingly personalized channels. That is the personalization of communication.

Then… Design studio.

Disassociate yourself from the old marketing models that said you had to come screaming with great frequency and coverage to launch a product. To break with this paradigm, the customer must be the center. People no longer want brands to tell them what to do. They are the ones who wish to speak and want someone to listen. Therefore, looking for more innovative ways to generate value is necessary.

How to escape the old marketing paradigms? Rebranding.

The problem with these paradigms is that people and organizations see their behavior affected by assumptions or perceived truths often based on false or incomplete information. That affects the decision-making process, so they decide based on what they believe to be known.

Sinek believes that even with the best knowledge, the most information, the best advice, and the best technology, sometimes things turn out differently than expected. That is due to the trap that specific patterns play in the minds of people or organizations. Those patterns force them to seek solutions to a problem that started from the beginning based on a faulty assumption.

If we ask most companies today why their customers are their customers, they would surely respond to topics such as the highest quality of their products, benefits, best price, or service level. That shows they have no idea why their customers are. Therefore, they make decisions based on partial or false assumptions of what drives their business.

To put it differently, you have to ask why to escape the old marketing paradigms. Why we do what we do, and why we make our decisions. Similarly, ask ourselves what kind of organization we want to be and where our values lie.

Manipulate or inspire. That is the question of creating new marketing paradigms. Design studio.

Consistent with the discussion above, there are two ways to influence behavior: manipulation and inspiration. The first goes directly to the brain’s neocortex or rational part. This form captures attention in many ways, whether through fear, promotion, low prices, aspirational messages, or promising innovations. The second way targets the most emotional part of the brain, the limbic part. It is responsible for feelings such as trust and loyalty. It is also responsible for human behavior and decision-making and has no ability for speech.

In other words, people can understand complex information like features, benefits, formulas, and numbers when communication happens from outside. But that is different from what explains consumer behavior. When communication occurs from the inside out, a part of the brain that controls behavior makes a direct connection. That allows people to streamline their speech. More precisely, it leads to confronting what is said and what is done in tangible things, thus leading to automated decisions.

In conclusion, to better understand why customers make their decisions, it is necessary to delve into the psychological aspects that motivate them and those that brands carry in their image and language. But we will leave that for the following article.

What is psychobranding, and how is it applied? Design studio Miami.

This article will try to find an answer to current consumer behavior. With this, we should delve into a new concept that crosses many social disciplines: psychobranding. As explained in the previous blog, it’s no longer about what a brand has but what it is and represents. In other words, their reason for being, their purpose, and their most profound level of interpersonal connection.

If brands know how to communicate why they are in the world, inspiring customers rather than manipulating them will be much easier. Thus, successful brands no longer sell products or services but instead sell an idea, a reason to fight for. As Cristina Quiñones mentions, brands must build motivations that support the way of thinking of their current and future customers. Then, they will get them to identify with them.

The CEO of Consumer Truth, a consulting firm specializing in Insights & Strategy, considers that brands get involved with people on an emotional level, and it is not the rational level that dominates that relationship.

Psychobranding: concept. Branding agency.

This new concept is where the contribution of positive psychology and neuroscience takes on fundamental importance. They help understand consumer behavior and the decision-making process. These contributions began to gain more strength at the end of the last century to give rise to psychobranding. Ergo, it caused a revolution in marketing and led companies to channel their investments into market research based on these new disciplines. Braidot elaborates on this point when he says that any decision-making process primarily involves the limbic part of the brain. To such an extent, in a transcendent decision for a person, it is that part – the emotional one – that takes control and tips the balance. So it is assumed that the brands’ decisions are as or even more emotional than that.

Key factors. Branding services New York.

We must consider some key factors to understand the concept of psychobranding better. First, the brand’s reason for being must be clear. That is why it does what it does, not just what it does. In this way, its place in its clients’ lives must define what it means to them. That is what Quiñones calls brand insight. The author describes it as an emotional, deep, and symbolic meaning the brand provides to the consumer’s life. Secondly, we have the philosophy of the brand, its principles, and its values. That is the key factor in achieving a deep connection with customers. Those concepts will inspire and motivate them to give you their trust.

Therefore, brands must provide customers with that sense of belonging. They can achieve that when they meet those who share the same beliefs, those who are like them. And so, to gain their trust, you must communicate and show that the brand shares the same values. Indeed, generating trust and loyalty in customers takes work to achieve. It is a process that takes time and must involve the entire company. It goes beyond the company’s goods and services; it is about transmitting its values and beliefs.

Look inside. Rebranding.

We don’t just have to work on customer loyalty. Another aspect more important than this is to work on employee loyalty. Inspiring employees helps to transmit the brand message to inspire others inside and outside the company. Therefore, it is not about how qualified and capable they are but whether they believe in what the company believes. In this aspect, the outstanding contribution of positive psychology regarding employee engagement and its importance for organizational health is worth noting. According to Salanova and Schaufeli, “Engaged employees, compared to those who are not, are more satisfied with their work. They feel more committed and loyal to the organization where they work and have less intention of leaving it for another organization.” In other words, when employees feel that they have found their place in the world and share the same purpose, that guarantees a brand’s success.

Think outside. Design studio New York.

The above gives rise to the third key factor: brands must have a cause, a purpose, and a reason to fight to win customers’ hearts. Sinek clarifies this by saying that the products or services they sell don’t justify purchasing. They instead serve as tangible proof of their cause or purpose. In other words, turning customers into allies and being someone for them is the starting point for lasting relationships and successful businesses. Finally, you have to understand people and not just brands. Getting involved with a brand, thinking about it, molding it, launching it, and eventually managing it requires prior work to know who to aim at and its future clients. It’s not only necessary to limit oneself to a superficial observation based on mere statistical data. We must recognize individuals as having shortcomings, defects, desires, wishes, values, and beliefs.

Keys to win a client. Branding agency Miami.

In short, brands connect better with those they know. They must understand that not everything revolves around them. On the contrary, the center of any relationship must be the customers. To understand people, you have to know how they act and why. Also, what are their motivations, and what leads them to be the way they are? Generally, people tend to group with those with the same values and beliefs. This union generates powerful bonds of trust over time. Again, it’s not the products or services that bind customers to brands but the beliefs and values they share.

Therefore, those dedicated to branding must be clear that, as Quiñones says, “it is not about being everything to everyone. It is about being something for someone.” Brands such as Red Bull and its claim “Be brave, take risks” or Ford with its “Go Further” show their intention to be part of customers’ lives, being something significant for them. They show them that they share the same values and beliefs. They let them know the reason why they are in this world.

What is psychobranding for? Design studio Miami.

To conclude, we shouldn’t think of psychobranding as manipulating customers’ minds. We should use it to find the essence behind the power of brands. In this way, the future of brands lies in how much they can connect with customers on an emotional level. Nike perfectly understood this was the way to go when it raised its famous slogan, “Just do it.” That revolutionized the market. For Nike, the best athletes didn’t need a podium or a crowd because they were not sports athletes. They were fighters for life! That is how Nike built its position, philosophy, and vision of the world.

What psychobranding seeks is to connect on an unconscious level with the emotionality of those customers who share the same beliefs and values. It aims to remind them that they are the ones who build it, who give it meaning and significance. That will affect the consumer’s unconscious ecosystem to touch the depths of their emotion to strengthen the links between the two and consolidate lasting relationships.

Branding or rebranding, what is the best option? Branding services.

To respond to the problem, the difference between branding and rebranding must be understood. Both branding and rebranding have very similar strategies. They are virtually identical within brand management but occur at different times and evolutionary stages. Therefore, what we should differentiate is not the what but the when. The context in which we decide to make a branding or rebranding strategy.

Branding. Design studio.

A branding strategy consists of designing, planning, and managing different actions to ensure that the brand image that reaches customers is precisely what the company wants. Branding actions cover the entire design process, from the logo to the corporate image. We must also include the marketing strategies that ensure the consistency of the brand’s communication and appearance with the strategic guidelines sought by the company.

Thus, branding is a process carried out since a brand is born. Added to this are progressive actions that make the consumer’s mind establish specific predetermined patterns or associations about it. The identifying elements of a brand – be it a physical establishment, its web page, billboards on public roads, television spots, or the messages it communicates – end up configuring associations towards the brand in the minds of consumers. They are the ones that give an idea of what it is. And that idea is generated from all the actions – or inactions – the brand has carried out over time.

Rebranding. Design studio New York.

On the other hand, in the case of rebranding, the story is very different. Rebranding is the process that is carried out at a time when brands want to change the perception that the consumer has of them. That can be due to several factors. For example, problems in executing marketing plans, product failures, or errors in market research. Also, because of a reputational or economic crisis, corporate mergers, or simply because you want to renew for any reason.

Therefore, rebranding is a challenging process and has certain risks. If the strategic planning of branding is a remarkably complex and challenging goal, rebranding has an even higher degree of difficulty. That is due to the risks involved in the possibility of confusion among consumers.

Rebranding strategy. Branding agency Miami.

Currently, there are many academic interpretations regarding rebranding. The best known and used is the one that establishes that rebranding is essential to business success. Therefore, it’s necessary to evolve the brand in a way that keeps pace with the times and meets the changing needs of consumers.

Another position considers rebranding as a radical brand change. Radical not only in the sense of name, logo, and corporate image but also a complete identity change.

Finally, a less favorable position considers that we must avoid this radical change at all costs and wonders if rebranding is crucial. That is because, all too often, companies perceive rebranding as a simple cosmetic exercise. It could be a new color, logo tweak, and launch of some good T.V. spots associated with the first position.

An example that clarifies and justifies the second position and questions the third occurs in corporate mergers. Often these will result in a complete rebranding due to a new entity that may be visible or interpreted. However, a gray dot appears when organizations have failed to establish a brand or have suffered a scandal that seriously compromises their image. It is here where the total renewal of the brand can also be in order. In these cases, the intention is to erase any previous brand identity and replace it with new images and messages.

Key factors. Branding services.

For his part, David Aaker identifies other factors that imply a rebranding strategy within the company. First, when the target segment becomes saturated. Second, the need for new partnerships to generate growth. Third, the aging of the target market. Forth, the obsolescence of the product. Therefore, there are almost as many reasons for rebranding as there are brand problems.

Some may be proactive, such as significant growth or a new line of business or market. Also, new audiences or when a company realizes its brand is losing relevance in the minds of consumers. Others can be reactive, as in the case of corporate mergers. That may be the case when the current brand has suffered a crisis, a failure in the marketing plan, or a confused, non-existent, or obsolete image.

Finally, there is the case when the main benefit has changed from a differential benefit to a price one. Also, when a competitor with a higher position targets the same market.

And then… Branding or rebranding? Design studio Miami.

According to Guillermo Altube, director of Interbrand, thinking about branding or rebranding work is complex and requires prior analysis. For this reason, it establishes that it is crucial to rebrand from different degrees. When the brand is completely changed, we can call it repositioning. On the other hand, when we make an update, it is linked to more organic factors, such as the passage of time or other minor adjustments. Likewise, it affirms that the advantages or disadvantages of rebranding depend on the need of each particular case. In conclusion, the variety of problems leads us to think of branding or rebranding as a methodological issue that could provide different solutions for different evolutionary stages of an organization. To reduce it to this would be to devalue a complex discipline that seeks to revalue brands and reposition them to remain relevant in an increasingly changing market.

New brands or revalued brands. Rebranding.

From what we analyzed in the previous blog, a dichotomy emerges in branding between developing new brands and revaluing old ones. Today, companies tend to reinvent themselves and look for new ways to get customers and improve their sales. Many opt for rebranding but seen from the second position explained in the previous blog: the radical brand change.

That is important to remember since rebranding is much more than that. It does not necessarily mean changing one brand for another. Getting rid of an established brand with history and years of continuous investment and superficially replacing it with a new brand contradicts everything discussed since we started this blog.

Despite this, rebranding has become a popular strategy for companies. The idea of the brand as a significant asset on which the success of organizations depends is deeply ingrained in today’s corporate culture. Furthermore, it is an essential pillar of the modern marketing discipline.

Time: a key factor for brands. Branding agency.

Another premise supporting the rebranding effort is that strong brands are built through many years of sustained investment. That, if executed well, will provide a vast stream of loyal customers leading to massive sales. At the same time, it will gain an enviable market share and a continuous stream of revenue for brands.

Despite this, there has been a marked increase in well-known companies renaming or changing names in recent years. That is why discarding a long-standing brand and starting over from scratch with a new brand overnight makes no sense. Likewise, the effort to launch a new brand when an obsolete one is at hand is another case that draws attention. It could relaunch itself and take advantage of its brand equity built up over the years.

The important thing would be to explore the problems of relevance to the phenomenon of the development and launch of a brand, be it new or revalued.

Analyze brands first. Branding services.

Therefore, everything analyzed throughout the previous articles serves to understand better the processes followed when facing a rebranding project. That includes name change, redesign, repositioning, and stakeholder communication. This knowledge addresses a critical issue: the effectiveness of rebranding when facing new businesses and finding new market niches. For this reason, before deciding to change the brand, the company must conduct a strategic analysis to guide the final decision. Concerning the above, this analysis must consider those factors that can cause the brand to exit the market. That, according to David Aaker, can arise from various conditions:

  1. Demand declines when the brand’s decline rate is fast and growing.
  2. The lack of brand loyalty and product differentiation in the consumer’s mind could anticipate extreme price pressure from the competition.
  3. When the brand’s position is weak, some competitors have obtained significant and irreversible advantages.
  4. When the company’s mission has changed.
  5. When certain obstacles cannot be overcome.

Decide later. Rebranding.

In many cases, the decision to rebrand proved highly unstable, with many companies facing the opposite of expected results. As Professor Andrew Ehrenberg states, even if the brand declines and begins to lose some customers, brand loyalty and purchase rates remain stable among other consumers. Thus, the decision to rebrand must be very well founded on a detailed analysis of the brand’s characteristics.

Things to keep in mind. Branding agency New York.

For example, Puma, Apple, and Gucci are some of the brands that have successfully undergone a rebranding. These companies have left some golden rules in the strategic decision of rebranding, mainly with the things they did not do:

  1. They did not change the name or logo.
  2. Any media channel did not announce they were about to reposition or do something radical to the brand.
  3. They were very patient.
  4. Each brand has taken a decade or even more to change.
  5. Changes in advertising strategies intervened at the end of the rebranding process.

According to Tito Ávalos, founder of La Cocina, a brand is an experience that generates a mental representation. This experience is driven and sustained by the organization’s culture. That involves everyone who makes it up to achieve a sustainable brand over time. The survival of an organization depends, to a certain extent, on the assembly of its purpose and organizational culture. That requires a business strategy that fulfills that purpose but simultaneously takes charge of the experience that makes users live through their culture. Therefore, branding is a process inside and outside the organization, and the branding strategist must be willing to accompany it.

In conclusion. Design studio.

A successful rebranding strategy starts with something other than million-dollar campaigns or radical changes to the name, logo, or other branding elements. It begins by solving various internal problems in an inside-out process.

Storytelling: the power of good story. Design studio Miami.

To begin with, talking about a brand’s history requires recognizing endless factors that define what it is today. History is the sum of a past that converges in the brand’s “what” and “how” or stories that gave it life. That is why it is necessary to know those facts that marked the milestones of its history to understand the brand’s evolution. Also, the stories that were shaping it. That is storytelling.

According to Kevin Keller, brands establish associations with their past and some significant historical events. These associations may have to do with personal experiences and episodes. Or, on the other hand, be related to past behaviors and experiences of friends, family, or others. That means that brands build their history based on people. They are who ultimately validate them and make them part of their life. They do this through their personal experiences and interaction with their peers. Therein lies all the power of the brand’s history. And storytelling is a fundamental element in connecting with the emotional channel of the audience.

The importance of storytelling. Branding agency Miami.

As previously mentioned, the brand’s history is part of its brand equity and generates a capitalization effect throughout its life cycle. The result is the positioning point where you are today, your capital value. That point, usually established at a crossroads of Cartesian axes, will determine the strategies to maintain or improve your situation.

Despite this, you need more than knowing the facts that catapulted or brought down a brand to be successful. That is where the need arises to tell these facts in such a way that they reach the audience and cause a significant impact, transforming that story into a unique, credible, and exciting one. It also generates a deep connection with the consumer and provokes the resurgence of a cardinal element in branding and advertising: storytelling.

The rise of storytelling. Branding services.

According to Steven Kydd, this new boom in advertising stories had to adapt to an increasingly global and complex world. That is emerging in the digital age, and new generations are increasingly dispersed and disinterested. Thus, storytellers had to reinvent themselves and abandon the classic narratives of the last century. Back then, brands were too busy telling their own stories to see what was happening in consumers’ minds.

Nowadays, we need a significant advertising investment to impress a concept on the consumer’s mind. If brands want to become good storytellers, they have to uncover the more profound stories hidden in the minds of their target audience. In other words, to establish new connections with an audience dispersed in thousands of new communication channels, a good storyteller must connect his own narrative experience with those deep in his audience’s minds.

These are narratives that people hardly remember and that even they would have a hard time telling. To this must be added a complete knowledge of what, how, and why brands do what they do. That has two challenges. On the one hand, to join the brand’s story and vision of the future. On the other, to link internal audiences, inspire and guide them, and conquer the hearts of external audiences. That is all part of storytelling.

How to create a good story? Rebranding.

A good story can permeate and enhance all areas of a brand. Events and people are connected through it, which gives it a powerful emotional charge. If a broad audience shares the associations established between the story and their memories, it can determine the story’s success. Consequently, we can understand today’s positioning as a story and the story as a positioning. In the hyper-connectivity era, the audience’s lower attention span favors consuming only those stories that fit perfectly into the subject’s narrative. Then, the channels through which we access the content learn to prioritize what seems to interest or distract them.

The impact of storytelling. Design studio.

The challenge of telling stories that impact the personal narrative and allow expanding it is increasing. Since novelty is one of the essential factors in capturing attention in a world of increasingly similar stories, a good storyteller has to work to make his story stands out from the rest. However, storytellers can settle for more than just that.

By connecting with the most profound issues in the audience’s minds, they can challenge established conventions and gain an even more powerful connection. A good storyteller must detect stories that are not told and those that resonate in people’s heads and are transmitted in everyday life. They must learn to listen within a context, the noise, and the murmur.

Moreover, they should try to recreate situations, extract latent memories and personal stories, and bring them to light. This way, engaging stories can be created, reaching consumers despite their different experiences. It is about rewriting mental chapters, opening new ideas, and offering new ways to resolve the tensions in each person’s stories.

How to capture the correct stories? Branding agency.

We can use some techniques to capture compelling stories. As Marcelo Rabinovich mentions, in the first place, there is observational research in the context. That includes the skill of knowing how to listen to stories. Others may be projective and training techniques. They deduce the interrelation between different themes and the emotions associated with the different characters of a personal story. Finally, there are cognitive interviews. This help to recreate the context and extract stories that are not usually told but have an enormous influence on the personal narrative.

By interpreting audience stories, qualitative researchers can provide brands with the essential raw material for bridging the gap between brand and personal stories. Ultimately, hearing these stories can lead brands to question their internal narrative and their version of the world they have been shaping. We could see that as a sign of weakness, but it is the essence of powerful storytelling. In conclusion, by understanding the narratives of others, storytellers can know what stories their audience needs to hear. To then learn how to count them effectively.

Brands must aspire to be good storytellers. In addition to telling stories, they must accept the commitment to listen and interpret. As explained above, with qualitative interpretive research, brands that want to tell a good story can find the inspiration they need.

Building a brand is building relationships. Engagement.

Engagement, which means commitment, is usually linked to the vows couples make before getting married. Therefore, seeing this word in most of today’s marketing plans is unsurprising. Much has been written and spoken about engagement. In most cases, the approach is from a technical point of view or, at best, associated with the old idea of positioning, as discussed in the previous blog. However, the problem lies in understanding the true meaning of the word and all the possible connotations that can be derived from it.

What is engagement? Design studio.

Engagement comprises a relationship between two parties. On the one hand, a long-term commitment implies deep mutual knowledge. Conversely, sharing a series of values and beliefs makes the relationship flow. As Kevin Roberts anticipates, “Emotional ties to customers have to be the foundation of any good marketing strategy or innovative tactic.”

But to achieve these links, brands need a broad and complex understanding of today’s people and audiences. Not only to take advantage of a fad that catapults them into the fight for market share or to obtain some competitive advantage but to achieve a fluid and constant dialogue with their customers. Ultimately, this will help them lay the foundation for a long-term relationship; that’s what engagement is all about.

Retail’s new era. Branding services.

Today, we lack values in an increasingly fragmented society. As analyzed, humans are sensitive beings who reason and base most of their decisions on emotional factors. That is why human beings search for new emotional connections, beliefs, and love that give new meaning to their entire environment. Also, to the alienation of commercialized subjects in a globalized world and overcrowded cities in which single-family homes are growing exponentially. In this context, brands are part of an amalgamated cultural baggage in consumer society.

Brands are also part of social life. They interact with people; they have personalities and can influence their behavior, fashion, and trends. They could even touch on their ethical, civic, and social values. Sometimes they establish hierarchies, set limits, show human qualities, and value goods and services. Others provide confidence to the consumer and transmit strength, energy, hope, or sympathy.

A plain white cotton shirt differs from a similar shirt with the Nike logo on the front. In such a case, both shirts are of the same color, quality, size, and cut. Both fulfill the primary function of dressing the person and making them feel comfortable. Both are t-shirts, although they are not the same for certain people. Moreover, they may not even come close to being alike—even knowing they came from the same factory in China. Therefore, what differentiates them is their level of engagement for the other.

The new role of brands. Branding agency.

The previous example outlines the true power of brands and what they do to people when interacting with them. In this way, they become cultural objects that people place above their attributes and values. Despite this, it is increasingly difficult for brands to connect with their target audience. Even harder is for the new generations to value them. The problem is that the companies don’t know their audience in-depth. Ergo, they apply the same recipes from the past that positioned them where they are today. These recipes have dehumanized brands, alienating them from the consumer. They made them see their navels and forget to ask customers what they expect, feel, and love.

How do we achieve engagement? Design studio New York.

For Salanova and Schaufeli’s positive psychology, “more than a specific and momentary state, engagement refers to a more persistent affective-cognitive state that is not focused on a particular object, event, or situation.” Therefore, brands have more to do with relationships and not so much with transactions. The secret to success would be how human they can become; how deep the connection with the consumer is. Here, the important thing is not to measure the emotion they manage to provoke in people but to look at how to establish a dialogue. Then, you add the tone of voice and the understanding of what they are: beings with defects and virtues. The goal is to understand people as well as brands. To achieve that, we must embark on a winding and arduous path: the path of relationship building. That is engagement.

How to win the consumers’ hearts? Rebranding.

In this sense, and to make an analogy, brands must play the role of Romeo trying to seduce his Juliet. To better understand this parallelism, we must establish specific steps to achieve this conquest and develop lasting ties. Thus, Roberts establishes that the first step in engagement would be to find that ideal partner, whom you are willing to seduce, to open up completely. To do so, the brand will use different channels to communicate and achieve some contacts to establish a dialogue.

Approaching Juliet’s balcony is a challenging task. The task requires crossing the river by boat, jumping over the entrance gate, and climbing the 10-meter wall that leads to the room. The second step of engagement is to get to know the person. Knowing them means knowing what they like, their talents and values, defects, virtues, and hobbies.

Flattering these characteristics and using them to your advantage will build an indestructible bridge between the brand and the consumer. This step is the first stage of falling in love. Here, people never see the other’s defects as a detractor or something that causes disgust. They accepted them as human beings, making them feel that Romeo is their complement, their ideal companion.

Summarizing. Branding agency.

Therefore, activating the emotional channel is essential for any advertising campaign or strategy. It is an appropriate way of getting in touch with consumers and kick-off to achieve the ultimate goal that every brand and person desires: love. As Cristina Quiñones mentions, you have to aim for brands that win the affection more than the reason of the people. We must create brands capable of reading emotions and not just briefs.

Recipe for Engagement. Branding services New York.

To reach that, we still require a series of steps to overcome, from which we can learn much more. On the one hand, you must understand that love is a feeling that must travel through a two-way channel. It must arise from an almost intuitive answer. Without reciprocity, there is no love. On the other hand, there is the well-founded idea that love takes time. It is not something that occurs from one moment to the next or that we can attribute to any of the five senses. It is something much deeper, which defines the meaning and essence of people.

Finally, as Roberts says, “Love cannot be imposed or demanded; it is only given.” As mentioned above, achieving consumer recognition, devotion, and affection doesn’t require encouragement, fear, or manipulation. Likewise, we should understand and appreciate it for what it is: shared beliefs and values that unite them with brands and provide them with channels of interaction that generate reciprocal emotions.

The first pillar of engagement. Design studio.

Therefore, lasting relationships between brands and consumers must be founded on certain pillars, like any relationship. The first and foremost is respect. Without it, we could not build a love that lasts over time. Roberts elaborates on this concept and says respect is based on trust, performance, and brand reputation. From these principles arises a code of conduct that governs the relationship between brands and consumers.

Some of the most outstanding points of this code are: complying with what a brand promises, assuming the commitments until the last consequences; seeking constant innovation; taking care of reputation; simplifying; admitting mistakes; taking care of the value of the offer; be true to your ideals and make this world a better place for everyone. Thus, to achieve people’s love and respect, brands must walk the arduous path of engagement, which takes time.

First, you must connect with the consumer on an emotional level that moves him and defines him as human. According to Roberts, successful brands that become loved manage to move the audience and know what they need. Also, those who listen and act accordingly, anticipating and proposing innovative things that break with the status quo. To such an extent, these are beloved and respected brands that customers can feel like protagonists. In other words, those that give their time and effort selflessly to make them grow and endure.

The second pillar of engagement. Branding agency.

Secondly, Roberts mentions that you must build well-grounded relationships full of meaning for the audience. It is the part where companies must understand that they cannot sit idly by. They must constantly think about their customers and how to win them over. As a boyfriend thinks of his girlfriend in buying her flowers or inviting her to the theater; getting elegant, taking care of the details; listening, and dedicating time to her; that is how the relationships between brands and consumers should be. What love brands have in common is that they all cultivate the same attributes to touch customers’ emotional fibers. These are mystery, sensuality, and intimacy.

The mystery. Rebranding.

In this regard, the mystery is the magical part of brands. It is the fuel from which brands feed the flames of passion for achieving engagement. We will achieve it by discovering the other person little by little, playing with the anxiety and adrenaline that anticipation causes, controlling the imagination, and producing the ecstasy of surprise. With this magical alchemy, thinking about building brands loved and valued by the audience is possible.

According to Roberts, brands must learn to listen to consumers and take stories from their experiences. Likewise, the channel through which the waters of mystery travel is made of great stories, those with enough force to awaken dreams, create myths, and move and inspire others.

For this, it is necessary to have credible characters who speak from emotion and show their feelings in detail. In this way, you can better understand the wishes of consumers and work to make them come true. We will see this in greater depth in future articles.

The sensuality. Branding agency.

The other attribute that identifies successful brands is sensuality. Sensuality gives brands that sensitivity that humanizes them and brings them closer to their target audience. In this sense, it is about the sensory world surrounding the brand’s mystique and unites it. In addition, it gives you an emotional language that goes beyond words and can establish deep connections with people.

This approach occurs through the five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. In this regard, the brands that manage to connect more deeply with their consumers do so through the sensory use of the message, which appeals directly to emotion and not to reason.

As we will see in subsequent articles, using the senses is crucial in developing a brand. The color palette, the use of textures, a catchy sound, a memorable flavor, and aroma. All these elements help define a brand’s identity and connect with its consumers. These establish the parameters within which the branding plan will unfold.

The intimacy. Branding agency Miami.

Finally, to establish what makes brands great, you must understand the concept of privacy. This attribute is one that directly affects what the consumer thinks and feels. It transcends its entire system of beliefs and values and connects with its aspirational being, which is neither more nor less than the inner reflection of its relationships with the outside world.

Today, due to the incredible amount of noise and vertigo in which human beings are submerged, it is increasingly difficult to achieve moments of intimacy. People’s lives are reported everywhere: in the media, on social networks, and through online games. For this reason, it is not surprising that vendors have become endangered or, at best, mere human order-takers. Simply put, the intimacy process requires a two-way street, where the client is listened to first and then talked to later. However, it is not an easy task to achieve.

We need long hours of listening, analysis, reflection, and a deep understanding of the wishes and desires of consumers. To do this, we must achieve certain levels of empathy, commitment, and passion if we want to speak directly to the heart and not seem like a cold and calculating machine. As Roberts says, “Most brands don’t know how to listen. They have evolved along with the media and have stayed there, talking, talking, and talking non-stop.”

Let’s break this down… Branding agency.

Empathy is the one that generates the emotional space in which brands can hear the consumer. Through it, we can get all the juice of sincerity to know if we are on the right path. Without empathy, there is no intimacy. Nor can there be long-term relationships without commitment, a condition by which people selflessly join brands. It assumes a proactive and almost automatic attitude without questioning and forgiving them when they are wrong.

Without passion, there is no love. Without love, there is no engagement. Rebranding.

In summary, brands that achieve engagement are closer to achieving loyalty, which takes them beyond reason. However, so that they can rest in the Olympus of big brands, we must include passion. Passion makes it possible for brands to survive the worst storms and achieve their goals. On the contrary, brands that do not feel passion are not credible. They fall into a simplistic discourse, lacking emotion and inspiration. Therefore, brands must believe in themselves and transmit the same passion to those who believe in them to capture their love. In this way, passion becomes the fire that ignites the relationship between brands and their customers and makes brands shine for a long time.

What do I need to know to do a rebranding? Branding agency New York.

If you are thinking of rebranding, this article will significantly help you. Take note.

As mentioned in previous articles, there are many reasons companies face redesigning a brand (rebranding). Beyond the causes, the process is implemented when an organization changes a significant element that doesn’t express what it transmitted when it was created. Such a change might jump out like a new brand name or logo. But it could also be more subtle, such as a slight change to the message, to better communicate a more relevant brand promise.

In any case, its execution is radical, decisive, and can even be a risky matter. Moreover, if consumers do not accept that new path, it could become a real problem for more than one brand. For this reason, the changes must be credible, given the brand’s experience and the customer’s perception. But the changes must not only be externally believable. Internal credibility must also be maintained. If the employees don’t live the brand daily, the target audience will not either.

For Alejandro Domínguez, the task is not easy. “The common denominator for a successful redesign is to find the right balance between two factors. On the one hand, it is to be faithful to the brand’s values, not to ignore its tradition. On the other hand, it is also vital to surprise the consumer.” The key is to achieve a very high synthesis power and know how to adapt each brand to its new cultural reality.

Key aspects to take into account when rebranding. Branding agency California.

Tito Ávalos explains that a brand is, ultimately, a reputation that organizations form through the performance of a brand promise. It is more than a verbal and visual identity. Ergo, it’s essential to know the business strategy and the industry in which that brand operates. It is also essential to know the trends that are coming. Another key aspect is studying the competitive environment to find a space for differentiation, conceptually and in identity.

The Director of La Cocina explains that the identity must be strategically compromised to achieve a more significant impact. Also, it is crucial to imagine where that brand will move. As we have already analyzed, we must study different factors when rebranding. On the one hand, the differential attributes of the service or product. On the other, a credible and sustainable positioning over time.

For this, it’s crucial to stay relevant, analyze the trends in the target market and explore the opportunities for brand expansion. Likewise, it will be necessary to add the definition of the brand’s voice to be redesigned so we can adapt it to each audience. To achieve that, arriving at the concept we want to communicate is vital.

The tip. Branding agency.

As analyzed, the brand is more than a product, although it could not exist without it. For Ávalos, a brand is a set of expectations, memories, stories, and associations that ultimately become a “promise,” ranging from lowering the stocks’ risk to defining a person. From a semiotic point of view, the name of a product is denotative. On the other hand, the brand of a product is also connotative, meaning that it has meanings beyond the label. Therefore, the brand promise, in short, is one of the essential premises to consider.

Reasons for rebranding. Branding agency California.

As we’ve mentioned in previous articles, there are myriad reasons companies move forward with rebranding, corporate, or product change.

According to Guillermo Altube, the majority of vices that arise when carrying out a brand consultancy are because, most of the time, there is a prior need to carry out a rebranding. That is why it is so important to think about the redesign from these different degrees of change.

He explains that when a brand changes drastically and completely revolutionize its identity, it is ultimately related to a more strategic component than a design one. It is a repositioning. On the contrary, when a brand needs an update, it’s more linked to factors such as the passage of time or other adjustments. “Our perspective of the redesign is always a consequence of something else and never by stylistic whim.” Indeed, brands encompass everything from customer experience to quality. They have also adapted their appearance, customer service, business, and web environments, and tone of voice, among other aspects.

How to reposition? Branding agency.

Therefore, for brands to become something more and transcend their categories, to become genuinely significant experiences for the audience, they must overcome the product or service barrier and define themselves as elements with meaning. In other words, points of connection with their customers. In this connotative capacity, the true power of a brand’s influence resides.

As Ávalos says, “If someone is capable of tattooing the Harley Davidson logo on their arm, it is not because it denotes motorcycles, but because it connotes a series of values and beliefs with which that individual identifies himself and in front of others.” In other words, brands are alive, and they live inside people. Very few are branded, and today, there are fewer and fewer.

However, people need something to believe in, and, at the same time, they are increasingly skeptical. It may be that for many years they felt used, and today they finally open their eyes. Or maybe it is because of the new generations, a large amount of information, and the new lifestyles that made them value other things and begin questioning certain vices of the consumption culture.

Despite this, there are still, in mind and the collective heart, those values of yesteryear that we can rescue again today to reposition brands. These values could tipple the balance for particular market segments or niches. That is when a rebranding campaign can be a great opportunity.

Dynamic positioning: what is it and how to use it? Branding agency California.

The analysis carried out in previous articles brought to light the concept of positioning, which is closely linked to branding. As mentioned, this concept requires a broad understanding of the consumer and their social, cultural, and emotional situation.

The modern notion of positioning leads branding to be closer to customers. It’s not just about digging into their needs. It’s about being in the right place and time and connecting with the right person to establish effective contact and produce a strong bond between brands and customers. In this divergent era, it is so more selective, dynamic, and changing consumers.

The concept of dynamic positioning was born as a way to achieve more personal contact and create long-term relationships. Brands and companies are going through a customer loyalty crisis and losing weight daily. Faced with this need, they only manage to compete based on price, which becomes the only decisive variable.

This way, attention is concentrated on millennials as the determining audience to win markets. That is because they are the people who will have purchasing power in the next ten years. In addition, they are within the demographic range of between 20 and 40 years.

New audience, new rules. Branding agency.

According to Emiliano Galván, VP of Wunderman, this group of millennials has an extraordinary characteristic. They value what they expect from a brand differently than other generations do. On the other hand, they are not as loyal to brands and do not give their loyalty for free. These customers constantly evaluate brands and are very harsh when punishing them. Likewise, they are not loyal to those brands that do not understand what is happening to them.

With this, new rules for positioning arise. Entering and remaining in the customers’ minds is increasingly complex. In addition, it requires a joint effort between the companies and an interdisciplinary team that provides creativity, empathy, solid values and beliefs, and a commitment to sustaining it over time. For this, we must establish the strategic guidelines that form the basis of a strong positioning. And as mentioned above, they must be thought from the inside out of the organization. In the past, as Serra, Iriarte, and Le Fosse mention, positioning was a reasonably static concept.

Once you position a brand in a customer’s mind, it is not easy to lose that achieved positioning. Today, the rules have changed. Marketing and advertising must join forces to position brands amid much noise. Indeed, as Trout and Rivkin state, a world oversaturated with content, messages, media, and communication channels, drastically affects how the mind accepts or ignores the information offered.

To Adapt or to die. Branding agency Miami.

On the other hand, we can add to this issue the change phenomenon. As discussed in previous articles, the environment is constantly changing. New technologies, competitors, and consumption habits make markets leave companies behind.

As the principle of adaptation establishes: if the environment changes – If the needs of customers change – companies must adapt and change. Thus, they must reposition themselves and get customers to follow them to their new position. In this way, the natural consequence of this adaptation to changes and new positioning is that brands revive with a new form of communication. That is a more straightforward and transparent speech. With those tools, the brands will meet the audience’s expectations and provide better elements to customers for their decision-making. As a consequence of this, a new concept arises; dynamic positioning.

How does dynamic positioning work? Branding agency.

Brand loyalty begins to lose strength in this environment with such changing and dynamic consumers. It’s improbable to maintain a position over time without taking concrete actions to sustain it. As a definition of traditional marketing positioning, the importance of manipulating potential customers’ minds begins to lose effectiveness in the struggle to develop the essential skills to sustain a long-term brand.

This issue is because, as Serra, Iriarte, and Le Fosse say, consumers are less conservative and less traditionalist. They seek solutions to needs before technologies and require a response rather than identification with a brand. This point is essential to understand the entire logic of dynamic positioning. As discussed above, customer engagement is a game-changer for marketing and advertising.

For Emiliano Galván, marketing today is based on the individual, on the person. It’s not based on the consumer of a particular category. It’s based on the subject who doesn’t even consume that category. And to go further, it establishes that this has to do with the functionality of a brand, transcending categories and being at the right time to satisfy a particular individual’s need. That is understanding what happens to the person at a given moment. Therefore, the brand value proposition is to meet that specific need at that particular time and place.

How to take advantage of dynamic positioning? Branding agency New York.

Since then, several authors have started talking about hyper-segmentation. Thus, the big brands begin to fragment their offer to reach new customers. These consumers seek increasingly specific and personalized products, far from the mass market.

According to Serra, Iriarte, and Le Fosse, this allows the formation of new market niches, which determines the constant appearance of new companies to supply these niches or create new ones. As discussed above, building a successful strategy involves the confluence of many disciplines and tools. From branding, distribution, and price through information, packaging, and even how to help share marketing actions with the rest of the audience.

This case is what is called a functional brand. It is the one that manages to provide the customer with a product or service at the right time, place, and measure to meet their specific needs. This strategy can be decisive when deciding between consuming one brand or another.

Need to diversify. Branding agency.

Another essential factor to consider is that many companies need to diversify their product portfolio due to the rapid pace of technological change. Or maybe, with the quick and unpredictable shift in consumers’ habits and attitudes, or with the increase in a both external and internal competition, they lose the perspective and position of their markets.

According to Trout, that brings the need for repositioning as an inevitable consequence. The idea is for the brand to once again rely on that competitive advantage that was able to make it grow. In the mid-twentieth century, the world is manifested in permanent change, with increasingly selective customers. It’s in this way that, to better understand the positioning of a company, it is necessary to work with several models simultaneously.

Finally, it’s essential to remember that connecting with the audience and conquering a market niche requires extensive knowledge of your own and how to tell it. The challenge is to achieve it at the right time and place and in the right amount. Therefore, a good distribution strategy will be vital to effectively meeting the brand’s objectives.

Brands’ behavior and customer relationships. Design studio Miami.

Brands’ behavior and customer relationships are crucial to understanding the current branding situation. It is also essential to plan the future and anticipate changes. It’s interesting to observe the changing environment in which brands find themselves today and how this forces them to rethink all their marketing and communication strategies.

Some time ago, how was the brands’ behavior? Branding agency.

Brand management was a gradual job from the beginning of the last century until the mid-80s. Like strategic planning, it was programmed over the years and could take decades. Thus, the brands’ behavior didn’t vary much in all those years. Neither did the brands’ communication strategies or ways of relating to customers.

Back then, communicating a brand consisted of encapsulating a single message in an advertising format and launching and repeating as many times as the budget allowed. We couldn’t distinguish customers based on the intensity they related to the brand, nor the messages chosen with that intensity in mind. For those brands, everything was massive and monotonous; the message, the media, and the audiences. On the other hand, there was little room for innovation. Moreover, it was a process calculated and controlled by great trendsetters.

These were responsible for forging the future products and services the audience would demand. That is why we can call them demand generators. So much so that, for example, in the tech sector, the industries had their launch projections scheduled for ten years. These projections gave them enough time to amortize the development of assets that would later become obsolete. That is what Wolfgang Haug called planned obsolescence.

Planned obsolescence is so closely related to innovation that both are two sides of the same coin. The German philosopher believed that the end of innovation was the obsolescence of products blocking the market that consumers could still use.

The customer takes center stage. Branding agency New York.

Currently, these capitalist methodologies are still valid in large areas of the goods and services market. However, globalization, new technologies, media, and living standards have caused customers to play a significant role. All this caused great changes in the very heart of companies. We can see this notion in the new trends of collaborative product development. There, customers help create the products they will later buy. We can also see it in the exponential growth of crowdfunding portals, which attract investors and future clients to finance their start-ups.

There is no doubt that the influence of fashions marked the 20th century. However, the first decades of this century show us a new panorama with the arrival of digital natives, such as millennials. Companies are no longer the ones that impose lifestyles, fashions, and consumption habits. They have begun to put focus on the customer.

Market research departments delve into the consumer’s psychology and ways of being and acting. In the same way, the growing competition imposed by increasingly accessible globalization forces companies to adapt their offer of products and services. That also means adapting their tone of voice and how they interact with customers. As a result, they could capture new markets and save themselves from obsolescence.

From fashions to trends. Branding agency.

On the other hand, the decentralization of fashion has determined the diversification of the markets. We can see that in the growth of new niches and categories representing new audiences. But unlike the strategies used in the past, these new markets are not created by simultaneous innovation but must be sought out by true trend hunters.

Supported by technological instruments, metrics, and big-data analysis, the companies manage to capture the needs of a particular audience. Then, they will be able to evaluate if offering products according to their needs can be profitable or not, which means a business opportunity. Increasingly, this early detection of trends in different audiences is becoming a determining factor for the survival of companies and, consequently, their brands. Those who cannot or do not want to adapt will be crushed by a train accelerating more and more forcefully.

A clear example is the case of companies like Coca-Cola or McDonald’s. In these cases, global trends toward healthy living are causing these companies to change their purpose. The reduction of sugars and carbonated water, on the one hand, and the reduction of trans fats, calories, and the image of fast food, on the other.

In summary, all these trends make companies rethink their brands’ strategies. Consumers have changed, and brand behavior must change too. The power is no longer in the brands but in the customers. Furthermore, it will be challenging to manage correctly if the brands don’t fully understand the target audience’s needs.

Customers’ role in building brands. Branding agency Miami.

Customers’ role in building brands is increasingly important. The new business models and the focus on customer-based marketing present a refreshing panorama for branding in the 21st century. In this blog, we will explain it and understand its evolution.

A little history of customers’ role. Branding agency.

In the early years of branding and brand management, the focus was on the sending end of the communication; on companies. Then, in the mid-1990s, revolutionary concepts emerged that gave brands a new direction. One such concept was the so-called customer-based brand equity. The basis of this concept is on the premise of previous blogs that say the brand resides in consumers’ minds as a cognitive interpretation.

At the time, cognitive psychology and information processing theory heavily influenced customer research. That current was led by the Canadian psychologist Robert Gardner. Later, it would be related to consumer choice and the new customers’ role in building brands. Thus, the knowledge of these currents was adapted to brand management and gave birth to the customer-based approach. However, before this new approach, branding suffered from a lack of independence from marketing. Furthermore, it was not even recognized.

Compared to advertising and marketing, research articles on branding were hard to find. The very notion of brand equity was often not even mentioned and certainly not defined. Above all, the academic discipline of branding seemed immature and scientifically incomplete. All changed after the introduction of customer-based brand equity.

New branding approach to the customers’ role. Branding agency California.

The customer has become the main point of interest in this new approach. And for the best understanding of this analysis, we could say he is the brand’s owner. That’s why customer-based brand equity introduces an outside-in approach. It also encompasses an external strategy formation instead of the internal construction of traditional methods.

According to Kevin Keller, brand equity creation takes place by shaping the brand associations in consumers’ minds. Understanding the customer is, therefore, central to the concept of brand equity creation. However, it is essential to note that the approach implies a specific view of the customer.

Finally, this approach assumes that the brand is a cognitive interpretation in the consumer’s mind. The customer now has much, much more control in the brand-customer exchange. This idea is a departure from other theories that state that marketers view the customer through a lens borrowed from behavioral psychology. In this notion, the marketer, who traces the brand in the consumer’s mind, will be able to choose precisely the correct elements of the brand and communicate them to a customer who will respond accordingly. These assumptions can be contradictory and unreasonable in current times.

Summarizing. Branding agency.

In other words, from this approach, we can only conceive the creation or development of a brand with that brand-customer duality. That is because customers bring brands to life. They give them their purpose and nourish them with emotional aspects, character, and history. That gives rise to co-creation as a way to get closer to understanding the modern branding approach and the new customers’ role in building brands.

Decentralization of brand management. The new customers’ role. Branding agency Miami.

To justify this new customer role, we must consider that branding, as Hatch and Schultz describe, has become a multifunctional activity. Branding is no longer the task of marketing departments but has become part of managing various company areas.

The intervention of Human Resources, R&D, and Institutional Relationships, among others, turned brand management into something chaotic. We must also add consumers’ more significant knowledge of brands and the market.

This knowledge often leads them to get involved, even in speculation and the stock market, to invest their money in different brands from their computers or cell phones. Because of this, consumers today can question everything and take relationships to a very high level of skepticism.

However, as Morgan says, not all customers have an emotional connection with the product, but some use it as one more element in their lives without giving it much importance. Once again, marketing departments have ceased to have complete control over the brand to become a company-wide policy. Everyone has to believe.

To the conquest of customers. Branding agency.

As we will see in the following blogs, the discipline of branding should be like a brand-customer relationship. New lifestyles appear, and the brand and the customer avoid one-way messages. There must be a dialogue, an exchange, a continuous interaction that founds both actors. But, for this dialogue to be deep and fruitful, brands and customers must share the same values, ideas, and beliefs. This kind of relationship will validate their faith and trust in each other. In this way, creating a more intense relationship with the customer will be possible, generating loyalty and a sense of belonging.

How to approach customers? Branding agency New York.

The brand-customer relationship that leads to co-creation is a win-win relationship. On the one hand, customers benefit from that because the brand puts into practice innovations they would like to see in certain products or services. On the other hand, companies benefit because they design coherent products with less financial risk. At the same time, as Saleem says, they get more loyal customers to the brand by achieving a more effective connection between the two.

On the other hand, although interactivity, authenticity, dynamism, and customers’ power are essential in this new brand management model, Grant maintains that brand management is no longer effective because it ignores the pressure of brands to adopt a more authentic approach. In this sense, the traditional techniques to obtain consumer knowledge, based on market research and observation techniques, are helpful to get insights related to attitudes towards brands but not to acquire knowledge about customer intention. Therefore, we can use a participatory customer approach to predict their behavior.

The objective goes beyond providing opinions, but that the customers become brand creators. For this reason, all interested parties must participate in the process and contribute their creativity. On the companies’ side, it is necessary to actively listen to their audiences and the responsibility of maintaining long-term relationships. They also need the commitment to put input into practice and allow the brand to evolve through participation.

Conditions for co-creation. Branding agency.

Notwithstanding what we discussed, there are two conditions for consumers to participate in the company’s co-creation process. First of all, the company’s activity must be relevant. That is, they have to care about the category to which the brand belongs or what the company can do for them. Second, you must convince them that the company values their ideas and that they will be heard. And the company will implement their opinions and contributions.

In this way, consumers will be able to accompany the brand in its evolution process sincerely and give their best. Of course, as Saleem says, their participation must be from the conceptualization to content generation for its correct communication. Despite this, this process entails specific execution problems. Therefore, marketers must see them strategically to avoid making mistakes that affect the brand’s image.

Is the future in co-creation? Branding agency Miami.

There are two alternatives when starting the co-creation process. First, we can start with an existing community where topics related to the company’s activity are already discussed. Secondly, we can create a community to analyze ideas and concepts about the brand. Therefore, as Grant mentions, there will be as different prisms of the same brand as the ideas they can come up with.

These start with a problem to be solved rather than how to advertise the brand. Thus, in a context where technology makes it easier to share ideas anywhere, brands must establish the foundations to encourage innovation and creativity. Likewise, they must develop mechanisms that evaluate the ideas proposed by the different actors involved in a company.

To conclude, the interest in building and developing brands from and towards customers should be a premise of any company that wants to establish lasting relationships with its customers and generate loyalty. In this new century, power is on the side of information, and customers increasingly own more. Therefore, companies should stop looking at their navels to think about their future and better understand the new customers’ role in building brands.

Brand Like a Boss: New Trends in Branding for 2023. Branding Agency.

Are you ready to take your branding to the next level? As we enter the new year, it’s time to start thinking about the latest trends in branding and how they can help you stand out in a crowded market. In this post, we’ll explore the most important trends in branding for 2023 and how you can leverage them to create a powerful brand that resonates with your target audience.

Section 1: The Importance of Branding. Branding Agency California.

Before we dive into the latest trends in branding, let’s take a moment to review why branding is so important. Your brand is more than just a logo or a tagline – it’s total of everything your business represents. Your brand encompasses your values, mission, and vision for the future. It sets you apart from your competitors and makes your business unique.

Section 2: Dynamic Positioning. Branding Agency.

One of the most important trends in branding for 2023 is dynamic positioning. Traditional positioning strategies focus on identifying a fixed position in the market and then defending it against competitors. But this approach is no longer effective in today’s fast-paced business environment. Instead, successful brands are adopting a more dynamic approach to positioning. They are constantly evolving and adapting to stay ahead of the curve.

Section 3: The Importance of Brand DNA. Branding Agency New York.

Your brand DNA is the essence of your brand – the core values and beliefs that guide everything you do. In 2023, successful brands will have a clear and compelling brand DNA that resonates with their target audience. You can create a more authentic and meaningful connection with your customers by articulating your brand DNA.

Section 4: Customer Experience. Branding Agency.

In 2023, the customer experience will be more important than ever. With so many choices available to consumers, businesses prioritizing the customer experience will have a significant competitive advantage. Creating a seamless, intuitive, and enjoyable customer experience allows you to create loyal customers who advocate for your brand.

Section 5: New Trends and Emerging Markets. Branding Agency Miami.

Finally, let’s look at some of the new trends and emerging markets shaping the future of branding. From the rise of Gen Z consumers to the increasing importance of sustainability and social responsibility, there are many new trends and emerging markets that you should be paying attention to in 2023.


So there you have it – the latest trends in branding for 2023. By adopting a dynamic approach to positioning, focusing on your brand DNA, prioritizing the customer experience, and staying ahead of emerging trends and markets, you can create a powerful and effective brand that stands out in a crowded market. So go ahead – brand like a boss!

Dynamic Positioning – The Future of Branding. Branding Agency New York.

In the past, businesses would identify a fixed position in the market and then defend it against competitors. This approach to positioning has become less effective in today’s fast-paced business environment. In 2023, successful brands will adopt a dynamic approach to positioning.

Dynamic positioning involves constantly evolving and adapting to stay ahead of the curve. It requires businesses to be flexible and responsive to market changes, customer needs, and preferences. To implement a dynamic positioning strategy, businesses need to:

  1. Monitor the market: Keep a close eye on market trends, competitor activity, and emerging technologies that could impact your business.
  2. Listen to your customers: Use customer feedback to improve your products and services.
  3. Be willing to take risks: Don’t be afraid to experiment with new strategies and approaches. Be ready to pivot quickly if something isn’t working.
  4. Embrace innovation: Stay ahead of the curve by embracing new technologies and ideas.

By adopting a dynamic approach to positioning, businesses can stay ahead of the competition and create a more responsive and flexible brand.

The Key to Successful Branding in 2023. Branding Agency.

The most successful brands can adapt and evolve to stay ahead of the curve. This is where dynamic positioning comes in.

Dynamic positioning is a strategy that allows brands to shift and evolve their positioning over time. Instead of defending a fixed position in the market, dynamic positioning enables brands to adapt to changing consumer needs and market trends. By constantly innovating and experimenting, brands can stay ahead of the competition and remain relevant to their target audience.

To adopt a dynamic positioning strategy, brands must be willing to take risks and experiment with new ideas. They should constantly monitor the market and competitors to identify new opportunities and threats. And they should be ready to pivot quickly if their current strategy isn’t working.

Successful dynamic positioning requires a strong brand foundation, including a clear understanding of the brand’s mission, values, and unique value proposition. Brands with a strong brand DNA can use it as a foundation for their dynamic positioning strategy, allowing them to pivot and evolve without losing sight of their core identity.

In conclusion, dynamic positioning is the key to successful branding in 2023. By adopting a flexible and adaptable approach to positioning, brands can stay ahead of the curve and remain relevant to their target audience.

The Importance of Brand DNA. Branding Agency California.

Your brand DNA is the essence of your brand – the core values and beliefs that guide everything you do. In 2023, successful brands will have a clear and compelling brand DNA.

To articulate your brand DNA, you need to:

  1. Define your values: What do you stand for? What are your core beliefs and principles?
  2. Establish your mission: What is your purpose as a business? What do you hope to achieve?
  3. Develop your vision: What is your long-term goal? What do you want to be known for?
  4. Identify your unique selling proposition: What sets you apart from your competitors? What makes you unique?

You can create a more authentic and meaningful connection with your customers by articulating your brand DNA. Your brand DNA should be reflected in everything you do – from marketing materials to customer service interactions.

A new strategy

Your brand DNA is the essence of your brand – the core values and beliefs that guide everything you do. In 2023, successful brands will have a clear and compelling brand DNA that resonates with their target audience. You can create a more authentic and meaningful connection with your customers by articulating your brand DNA.

So, how do you define your brand DNA? Start by asking yourself what makes your brand unique. What values and beliefs do you hold that differentiate you from your competitors? What is your brand’s mission and vision for the future? Once you clearly understand your brand DNA, you can use it to guide all of your branding decisions.

In 2023, consumers are looking for brands that are authentic and genuine. They want to connect with brands that share their values and beliefs. By articulating your brand DNA, you can create a more meaningful connection with your customers, building loyalty and advocacy.

To ensure that your brand DNA resonates with your target audience, you should monitor your brand’s reputation and engagement on social media. Listen to what your customers say about your brand, and use that feedback to refine your brand DNA and messaging.

In conclusion, brand DNA is more important than ever in 2023. By articulating your brand’s core values and beliefs, you can create a more authentic and meaningful connection with your customers, building loyalty and advocacy.

The Importance of Brand Management. Branding Agency.

Brand management is the process of maintaining and enhancing your brand’s reputation. It involves everything from creating a brand strategy to monitoring your brand’s performance and adjusting as needed.

To effectively manage your brand, you need to:

  1. Define your brand strategy: What is your brand’s unique value proposition? Who is your target audience? What is your brand personality?
  2. Create brand guidelines: Develop guidelines for how your brand should be represented in all marketing materials, including logos, colors, fonts, and messaging.
  3. Monitor your brand’s performance: Track how your target audience perceives your brand. Gather feedback from customers and adjust your strategy as needed.
  4. Protect your brand: Monitor social media and other online channels for mentions of your brand. Respond promptly to negative feedback and protect your brand’s reputation.

By effectively managing your brand, you can create a strong and consistent message that resonates with your target audience and builds long-term brand equity.

Brand Management – Why It’s Essential in 2023 and Beyond. Branding Agency Miami.

Brand management is creating, developing, and maintaining a brand. It involves everything from defining the brand’s identity and messaging to managing its reputation and ensuring consistency across all touchpoints.

In 2023, brand management will be more critical than ever. With the rise of social media and the increasing power of consumers, brands must be strategic in building and managing their brands.

One of the most important aspects of brand management is defining and maintaining a brand’s identity. This includes everything from the brand’s name, logo, and visual identity to its core values and messaging. By establishing a strong brand identity, businesses can differentiate themselves from their competitors and create a consistent customer experience.

Another critical aspect of brand management is reputation management. With the prevalence of social media, businesses need to be proactive in monitoring their brand’s online presence and responding to any negative feedback or reviews. Businesses can build customer trust and loyalty by managing their reputation effectively, ultimately increasing sales and profits.

Brand management also plays a crucial role in creating a positive customer experience. Businesses can build brand loyalty and differentiate themselves from their competitors by ensuring consistency across all touchpoints and providing exceptional customer service.

Key strategies

So, how can businesses effectively manage their brand in 2023? There are several key strategies to consider:

  1. Define your brand’s identity: Develop a strong brand identity that aligns with your values and resonates with your target audience.
  2. Be consistent: Ensure consistency across all touchpoints, including visual identity, messaging, and customer experience.
  3. Monitor your online presence: Monitor your brand’s online presence and promptly respond to negative feedback or reviews.
  4. Invest in customer service: Provide exceptional customer service to build brand loyalty and differentiate yourself from your competitors.

In conclusion, brand management will continue to be essential in achieving success in 2023 and beyond. By defining your brand’s identity, maintaining consistency across all touchpoints, monitoring your online presence, and investing in customer service, businesses can build a strong, recognizable brand that resonates with their target audience and creates a loyal customer base.

Customer Experience and Customer Success – The Key to Brand Loyalty. Branding Agency.

In today’s highly competitive business landscape, customer experience is one of the most critical factors in building brand loyalty. In 2023, successful brands will be those that prioritize customer experience and incorporate the concept of customer success into their strategies.

Customer experience encompasses all interactions between a customer and a brand, from the initial purchase to post-sale support. To provide a memorable customer experience, businesses need to:

  1. Understand their customers: Gather data on your customers’ needs, preferences, and pain points.
  2. Personalize interactions: Use the data you collect to personalize your communications and interactions with your customers.
  3. Provide exceptional customer service: Ensure your customers feel valued and appreciated at every touchpoint.
  4. Create a seamless customer journey: Ensure all touchpoints are connected, and the customer journey is as smooth as possible.

But customer experience isn’t just about making customers happy at the moment – it’s about ensuring their long-term success. That’s where customer success comes in.

Customer Success

Customer success is helping customers achieve their desired outcomes using your product or service. To incorporate customer success into your customer experience strategy, you need to:

  1. Define your customers’ goals: What are your customers trying to achieve using your product or service?
  2. Provide resources and support: Provide your customers with the tools and resources they need to achieve their goals.
  3. Measure success: Monitor your customers’ progress and success and adjust your strategy as needed.

By prioritizing customer experience and incorporating customer success into your strategy, you can build a strong, loyal customer base that will advocate for your brand and contribute to long-term brand equity.

Brand Equity – Why It Matters in 2023 and Beyond. Branding Agency New York.

Brand equity is a key concept in the world of branding. Essentially, it refers to a brand’s value beyond its physical and tangible assets. It is the intangible value that a brand carries with it, including the emotional connection it creates with its customers.

In 2023, brand equity will be more important than ever. As businesses navigate an ever-changing landscape, a strong brand with a loyal customer base and a positive reputation can make all the difference in achieving success.

One of the most significant benefits of brand equity is that it can provide a competitive advantage. When a brand has strong brand equity, it can differentiate itself from its competitors, creating a unique identity that stands out in the market. This can lead to higher sales and profits, as customers are willing to pay a premium for a brand they trust.

Another benefit of brand equity is that it can provide resilience. Brands with strong brand equity can better weather economic downturns or crises, as customers are more likely to remain loyal to a brand they trust and have a positive emotional connection with.

Key factors

So, how can businesses build brand equity? There are several key factors to consider:

  1. Brand Awareness: The first step in building brand equity is ensuring your brand is known and recognized. This means investing in marketing and advertising to increase brand awareness.
  2. Brand Identity: Developing a strong brand identity that resonates with your target audience is critical in building brand equity. This includes creating a consistent visual identity and messaging that aligns with your brand values.
  3. Customer Experience: As we’ve discussed in previous blogs, creating a positive customer experience is key to building brand loyalty and, ultimately, brand equity.
  4. Brand Reputation: Finally, managing your brand reputation carefully is essential. This means monitoring your brand’s online presence and addressing any negative feedback or reviews.

In conclusion, brand equity will continue to be a critical factor in achieving success in 2023 and beyond. By investing in brand awareness, developing a strong brand identity, creating a positive customer experience, and managing their brand reputation, businesses can build the intangible value that sets them apart from their competitors and creates a loyal customer base.

Emerging Trends and Markets to Watch in 2023. Branding Agency.

As we approach 2023, staying ahead of emerging trends and markets is essential to remain competitive in the business world. This blog will explore some of the most exciting and promising trends and markets to watch in the coming years.

  1. Sustainable and eco-friendly products: With the growing concern over climate change and the environment, sustainable and eco-friendly products are becoming increasingly popular. Businesses that offer environmentally friendly options will likely see increased demand and customer loyalty.
  2. Virtual and augmented reality: Virtual and augmented reality technologies are becoming more advanced and accessible, offering businesses new ways to engage with customers and provide immersive experiences.
  3. Personalization: Consumers are increasingly expecting personalized experiences, whether it’s through customized products or targeted marketing campaigns. Businesses offering personalized experiences will have a significant advantage over their competitors.
  4. Emerging markets: As the global economy shifts, emerging markets such as India, China, and Africa present exciting opportunities for businesses looking to expand their reach and tap into new customer bases.
  5. Remote work and telecommuting: With the rise of remote work and telecommuting, businesses can tap into a global talent pool and reduce overhead costs. Companies that offer remote work options may be more attractive to top talent.
  6. Health and wellness: Health and wellness continue to be a significant trend, with consumers increasingly interested in products and services that promote physical and mental well-being. Businesses that offer health and wellness products and services may see increased demand in the coming years.
  7. Social media and influencer marketing: Social media and influencer marketing are becoming more prominent, with businesses leveraging these platforms to reach new audiences and build brand awareness. Brands that can effectively harness the power of social media and influencer marketing will be able to create stronger connections with their customers.


In conclusion, staying on top of emerging trends and markets is essential for businesses looking to remain competitive in 2023 and beyond. By keeping an eye on these exciting developments and adapting their strategies accordingly, businesses can position themselves for success and growth in the coming years.

New Trends and Audiences to Watch for in 2023. Branding Agency Miami.

As we approach 2023, it’s important for businesses to keep an eye on the latest trends and emerging audiences to stay competitive and relevant. This blog will explore some of the most exciting new trends and audiences to watch for in the coming years.

New trends:

  1. Gen Z: As the youngest generation of consumers enters the workforce and gains more purchasing power, businesses will need to adapt to their preferences and values. Gen Z is known for being tech-savvy, socially conscious, and expect personalized experiences.
  2. Silver surfers: The baby boomer generation is aging, but that doesn’t mean they’re not active consumers. Businesses that cater to older adults with products and services that address their needs and interests will have a significant advantage.
  3. Voice search and AI: With the rise of voice assistants and AI-powered search, businesses must optimize their digital content for voice search queries. Voice search is becoming increasingly popular, and companies that can provide voice-optimized content will have a competitive edge.
  4. Social commerce: Social media platforms increasingly become shopping destinations, with consumers purchasing directly through their social feeds. Businesses that can effectively leverage social commerce will be able to reach new audiences and boost sales.
  5. Niche markets: As consumers become more selective and focused on their specific needs and interests, businesses that cater to niche markets will be able to stand out and connect with their target audience.
  6. Subscription-based models: Subscription-based models have grown in popularity in recent years and are expected to continue. Businesses that offer subscription-based products and services can create loyal customer bases and generate predictable revenue streams.
  7. Hyperlocal marketing: As consumers become more interested in supporting local businesses and communities, hyperlocal marketing will become increasingly important. Businesses that can effectively market themselves to their local audience will be able to create strong connections and build brand loyalty.


In conclusion, keeping up with the latest trends and emerging audiences is crucial for businesses looking to succeed in 2023 and beyond. By understanding the preferences and values of these new audiences and adapting their strategies accordingly, businesses can stay ahead of the competition and thrive in future years.

The Importance of Branding in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Branding Agency.

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance and permeate various industries, many businesses may wonder about the future of branding. Will AI make branding irrelevant or less important? In this blog, we’ll explore the significance of branding in the age of AI.

Firstly, it’s important to understand what branding is. At its core, branding is about creating a distinct identity and perception of a product, service, or company in the minds of consumers. It’s about building a relationship with your audience and creating an emotional connection beyond the product or service.

While AI can undoubtedly assist in the branding process, it cannot replace the human touch that is crucial in creating an emotional connection with consumers. AI may be able to analyze data and provide insights, but it cannot replicate the creativity, empathy, and intuition that are necessary for effective branding.

In fact, as AI becomes more prevalent, the importance of branding may actually increase. With so many choices and options available to consumers, a strong brand can help differentiate a business from its competitors and create a sense of trust and familiarity with consumers.

Furthermore, as AI-powered technologies become more personalized and customized, the need for brands to tailor their messaging and experiences to specific audiences will become even more important. Brands that can effectively communicate their values and connect with consumers on a deeper level will be able to build lasting relationships and loyalty.

Finally, branding can also play a role in shaping the development and implementation of AI. As AI systems become more integrated into our lives, it’s important to consider these technologies’ ethical and societal implications. Brands prioritizing transparency, accountability, and social responsibility can help shape the conversation around AI and promote the development of responsible and ethical AI systems.


In conclusion, branding remains as important as ever in the age of AI. While AI can certainly assist in branding, it cannot replace the human touch and emotional connection crucial to effective branding. As AI becomes more prevalent, strong brands that can differentiate themselves from competitors and connect with consumers on a deeper level will be able to thrive in the years to come.

The Dawn of a New Era in Marketing and Branding: How Trends are Changing the Game. Rebranding.

Welcome to our first article in a series designed for business leaders navigating the ever-changing era of digitalization and globalization. Today, as a renowned branding agency, Bigsur Branding, we would like to discuss how the latest trends are reshaping the rules of marketing and branding.

Paradigm Shift in Marketing and Branding. Boutique branding agency California.

In the past, companies could rely on traditional marketing strategies to reach their target audience. But advances in technology and growing global connectivity have dramatically changed the way we interact with our audiences. Business leaders need to be aware of these new realities and be willing to adapt to maintain their market relevance.

The Digital Era and Business Adaptation. Rebranding.

The digital era has brought with it a host of unique challenges in terms of communication. Companies are no longer limited to one-way communication with customers; now, customers can (and expect to) interact with brands in new and exciting ways. Internal communication has also been impacted, with globally dispersed teams and a growing dependence on digital technologies for collaboration and communication. To navigate this changing landscape, businesses must develop marketing and branding strategies that leverage these new communication channels instead of resisting them.

Importance of a Clear Strategy. Rebranding.

A clear marketing and branding strategy is essential in the digital era. It should incorporate not only business goals but also an understanding of changing customer expectations and unique opportunities presented by digital technologies. Without a solid strategy, businesses may struggle to maintain consistency in their messaging and achieve their business objectives.

Tips for a Successful Transition. Rebrand.

Here are some tips to help you navigate this new dawn in marketing and branding:

Stay updated: Marketing and branding are constantly evolving. Keep up with the latest trends to ensure your brand doesn’t get left behind.

Be adaptable: Successful brands are the ones that adapt quickly to changes. Be willing to experiment with new techniques and adapt your strategy as the digital landscape evolves.

Value communication: Both internal and external communication are fundamental to success in the digital era. Make sure your team is aligned with your goals, and your customers feel valued and listened to.

The world of marketing and branding is changing, but with the right mindset and strategies, businesses can thrive in this new environment.

In our next article, we will discuss how brands can understand and reach new generations of consumers. We look forward to seeing you there.

For more information on how we can help you face these changes, get in touch with us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Consumer Generations and the Marketing Paradigm Shift: How Brands Can Stay Relevant. Rebranding.

Welcome to the second part of our article series focused on the new landscape of marketing and branding. As your trusted branding agency, Bigsur Branding, today we’ll delve into how brands can understand and connect with new generations of consumers to maintain their relevance and competitiveness.

Understanding New Generations of Consumers. Rebrand.

New generations of consumers, such as Millennials and Generation Z, have different expectations and unique needs compared to previous generations. They have grown up in a digital world and are accustomed to interacting with brands online. To reach these audiences, brands need to understand their behaviors, preferences, and values.

Paradigm Shift in Marketing. Rebranding.

Traditional marketing, which often relies on one-way campaigns, is no longer sufficient to reach these new generations of consumers. They demand authenticity, transparency, and personalization. They want to interact with brands and be part of the conversation. Therefore, marketing strategies must adapt to reflect these changes.

The Power of B2B and Influencer Marketing. Rebranding.

B2B and influencer marketing are also rapidly changing. B2B companies are finding that they too need to adapt to changing consumer expectations and deliver more personalized, customer-focused experiences. Meanwhile, influencer marketing has become more prominent thanks to social media, offering new opportunities for brands to reach their audiences in innovative and authentic ways.

Benefits of Good Positioning. Boutique branding agency Miami.

Good positioning is essential for maintaining relevance in the changing marketing landscape. A well-positioned brand can attract new generations of consumers, establish an emotional connection with them, and ultimately turn them into loyal customers.

Tips for Connecting with New Generations. Boutique branding agency.

Here are some tips to help you connect with new generations of consumers:

Listen to your audience: Research and understand the needs and wants of your target audience. Use this information to inform your marketing and branding strategy.

Be authentic: New generations value authenticity. Be transparent, honest, and true to your brand’s values.

Tailor your message: Personalize your message for each platform and audience. What works on one channel may not work on another.

By understanding and adapting to the needs of new generations of consumers, brands can maintain their relevance and competitiveness in the market.

In our next article, we will discuss how brands can avoid the “mirage” of digital marketing. We look forward to seeing you there.

For more information on how we can help you connect with new generations of consumers, get in touch with us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The “Mirage” of Digital Marketing: How Brands Can Avoid Common Pitfalls. Rebranding.

Welcome to the third installment of our article series on the changing landscape of marketing and branding. As your trusted branding agency, Bigsur Branding, today we will discuss how brands can avoid the “mirage” of digital marketing.

The Appeal and Challenges of Digital Marketing. Rebrand.

Digital marketing has changed the way brands interact with consumers and opened up new opportunities to reach audiences. But it has also created new challenges and pitfalls that brands must avoid.

What is the “Mirage” of Digital Marketing?. Rebranding.

The “mirage” of digital marketing refers to the misguided perception that simply having an online presence is enough to attract and retain customers. But the reality is that digital marketing requires a well-thought-out and executed strategy to be effective.

The Importance of Digital Strategy. Rebranding.

A solid digital strategy is essential to avoid the “mirage” of digital marketing. It needs to be comprehensive, incorporating SEO, SEM, quality content, social media, and data analytics to ensure you are reaching your target audience most effectively.

Customer Closeness and Brand Humanization. Boutique branding agency.

In the digital world, customer closeness and brand humanization are key. Brands should strive to establish authentic and meaningful relationships with consumers, which goes beyond merely selling products or services.

Tips to Avoid the “Mirage” of Digital Marketing. Boutique branding agency New York.

Here are some tips to help you avoid the common pitfalls of digital marketing:

Focus on your audience: Understand who your target audience is and what they value. Use this information to inform your digital marketing strategy.

Create quality content: Content that provides value to consumers will help you stand out in the crowded digital world.

Leverage data: Data analytics can help you understand what works and what doesn’t in your digital marketing strategy.

By understanding and avoiding the “mirage” of digital marketing, brands can effectively use digital marketing to reach and connect with their audiences.

In our next article, we will discuss the role of customer closeness and brand humanization in modern marketing and branding.

For more information on how we can help you navigate the world of digital marketing, get in touch with us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Customer Closeness and Brand Humanization: Keys for Modern Marketing and Branding. Rebranding.

Welcome to the fourth installment of our article series on the changing landscape of marketing and branding. As your trusted branding agency, Bigsur Branding, today we will explore the importance of customer closeness and brand humanization.

What Does Customer Closeness Mean? Rebrand.

Customer closeness involves deeply understanding your customers—their needs, wants, and behaviors. It’s about establishing a genuine relationship with them, offering a service or product they truly value.

Brand Humanization in the Digital World. Rebranding.

In an increasingly digital world, brand humanization has become a key factor for connecting with customers. Consumers are not only looking for quality products or services but also companies they can identify with on a human level.

Why is Customer Closeness and Humanization Important? Rebranding.

When brands humanize themselves and get closer to their customers, they can build a solid, trustful relationship. This leads to increased customer loyalty, while reinforcing the brand’s market positioning.

Tips to Get Closer to Your Customers and Humanize Your Brand. Boutique branding agency Miami.

Here are some tips to help you get closer to your customers and humanize your brand:

Understand your customers: Research and learn everything you can about your customers. Understanding their needs and wants will help you offer a product or service they truly value.

Be authentic: Authenticity is key to humanizing your brand. Show your customers who you truly are and what values you stand for.

Establish two-way communication: Listen to your customers and respond to their questions and concerns. This will show that you care and will help to build a solid, trustful relationship.

By embracing customer closeness and humanization, brands can strengthen their relationship with customers and improve their market positioning.

In our next article, we will discuss how brands can create and execute clear marketing and branding strategies.

For more information on how we can help you humanize your brand and get closer to your customers, get in touch with us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Grow Your Business in 2023 and 2024: Effective Branding and Marketing Strategies. Boutique branding agency.

Welcome to the fifth installment of our article series on the changing landscape of marketing and branding. As your trusted branding agency, Bigsur Branding, today we will explore effective branding and marketing strategies to grow your business in 2023 and 2024.

The Importance of Effective Branding and Marketing Strategies. Boutique branding agency New York.

Effective branding and marketing strategies are essential for the growth and success of any business. Without a clear strategy, businesses may struggle to attract and retain customers, and they may get lost in the growing market competition.

Tips for Developing Effective Branding and Marketing Strategies. Rebranding.

Here are some tips to help you develop effective branding and marketing strategies for 2023 and 2024:

Define Your Business Goals: Clear goals are the foundation of any branding and marketing strategy. You should have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve, whether it’s increasing brand awareness, attracting new customers, or boosting sales.

Know Your Target Audience: An effective branding and marketing strategy is based on a deep understanding of your target audience. You should know their needs, wants, and behaviors to effectively communicate with them.

Develop a Unique Value Proposition: To stand out in the market, you need a unique value proposition that makes your products or services appealing to your customers.

Implement Digital Marketing Tactics: Digital marketing tactics, like SEO, SEM, and content marketing, are essential for reaching your customers in the digital world.

Measure and Adjust Your Strategy: Effective branding and marketing strategies require constant measurement and adjustment. You should monitor the performance of your marketing efforts and adjust your strategy as necessary.

By implementing these strategies, you can position your business for successful growth in 2023 and 2024.

In our next article, we will explore how influencer marketing can help businesses reach their target audiences.

For more information on how we can help you develop effective branding and marketing strategies, get in touch with us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Influencer Marketing: A Powerful Tool for Your Business. Boutique branding agency.

Welcome to the sixth installment of our article series on the changing landscape of marketing and branding. As your trusted branding agency, Bigsur Branding, today we will discuss how influencer marketing can help businesses reach their target audiences.

What is Influencer Marketing? Rebrand.

Influencer marketing is a marketing strategy that leverages the reach and authority of social media influencers to promote products or services.

The Power of Influencer Marketing. Rebranding.

Influencer marketing can be a powerful tool for brands. Influencers have loyal followers who trust their opinions and recommendations. Therefore, working with influencers can help brands increase awareness, attract new customers, and boost sales.

How to Use Influencer Marketing Effectively. Boutique branding agency California.

Here are some tips for using influencer marketing effectively:

Select the Right Influencers: Choose influencers who align with your brand’s values and image. They should also have followers that match your target audience.

Create Engaging Content: Work with influencers to create engaging and authentic content that appeals to their followers.

Measure the Success of Your Campaigns: Use tracking metrics to measure the success of your influencer marketing campaigns and adjust your strategies as necessary.

By effectively implementing influencer marketing, brands can reach their target audiences and strengthen their market positioning.

In our next article, we will discuss the importance of having clear marketing and branding strategies.

For more information on how we can help you implement effective influencer marketing strategies, get in touch with us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The Importance of Clear Marketing and Branding Strategies. Boutique branding agency.

Welcome to the seventh installment of our article series on the changing landscape of marketing and branding. As your trusted branding agency, Bigsur Branding, today we will discuss the importance of having clear marketing and branding strategies for your business success.

Why are Clear Marketing and Branding Strategies Important? Rebrand.

Clear marketing and branding strategies are crucial for achieving your business goals. Without a clear strategy, it can be challenging to define your target audience, differentiate from the competition, and establish effective communication with your customers.

Tips for Developing Clear Marketing and Branding Strategies. Rebranding.

Here are some tips to help you develop clear marketing and branding strategies:

Define Your Business Goals: Clear goals are the foundation of any marketing and branding strategy. You should have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve, whether it’s increasing brand awareness, attracting new customers, or boosting sales.

Identify Your Target Audience: A clear marketing and branding strategy should be based on a deep understanding of your target audience. You should know their needs, wants, and behaviors to effectively communicate with them.

Create a Consistent Brand Message: Thus, a consistent and clear brand message can help establish an emotional connection with your customers and differentiate your brand from the competition.

Implement Effective Digital Marketing Tactics: On the other hand, digital marketing tactics, like SEO, SEM, and content marketing, are essential for reaching your customers in the digital world.

Evaluate and Adjust Your Strategy Regularly: Finally, effective marketing and branding strategies require constant evaluation and adjustment. You should monitor the performance of your marketing efforts and adjust your strategy as necessary.

By developing clear marketing and branding strategies, you can improve communication with your customers, strengthen your market positioning, and achieve your business goals.

In our next article, we will explore how consumer closeness and the humanization of brands can benefit your business.

For more information on how we can help you develop clear marketing and branding strategies, get in touch with us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

New Technologies and Their Impact on Marketing: What You Need to Know. Boutique branding agency.

Welcome to the eighth installment of our article series on the changing landscape of marketing and branding. As your trusted branding agency, Bigsur Branding, today we will explore new technologies and their impact on marketing.

¿Why are New Technologies Important in Marketing? Rebrand.

New technologies are changing the way businesses do marketing. From artificial intelligence to virtual reality, these technologies offer new ways to interact with customers and provide unique user experiences.

The Most Impactful New Technologies in Marketing. Rebranding.

Some of the new technologies that are impacting marketing include:

Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI can help businesses analyze large volumes of data to gain insights about their customers and optimize their marketing strategies.

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): On the other hand, these technologies can provide immersive and personalized user experiences that can increase customer engagement and loyalty.

Marketing Automation: Finally, marketing automation can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of marketing strategies by automating repetitive tasks and allowing for personalized customer tracking.

How to Leverage New Technologies in Marketing. Boutique branding agency Miami.

Here are some tips for leveraging new technologies in marketing:

Stay Up-to-Date with the Latest Technologies: Technologies are changing rapidly, so it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and understand how they can benefit your business.

Experiment with Different Technologies: On the other hand, not all technologies will be suitable for all businesses. Experiment with different technologies to find the ones that work best for your business.

Train Your Team: Finally, to get the most out of new technologies, it’s important for your team to be trained and feel comfortable using them.

By incorporating new technologies into your marketing strategy, you can improve the efficiency of your marketing efforts, provide unique user experiences, and gain a competitive edge.

In our next article, we will discuss how to find your ideal audience to enhance your marketing strategies.

For more information on how new technologies can impact your marketing strategy, get in touch with us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

How to Find Your Ideal Audience: Keys to a Successful Marketing Strategy. Boutique branding agency.

Welcome to the ninth installment of our article series. As your trusted branding agency, Bigsur Branding, today we’ll delve into the importance of identifying your target audience to optimize your marketing strategies.

Why is Identifying Your Target Audience Important? Rebrand.

Knowing your target audience is crucial for developing effective marketing strategies. By understanding who you’re addressing, you can create more relevant, personalized, and hence, more effective messages.

How to Identify Your Target Audience. Rebranding.

Here are some tips for identifying your target audience:

Analyze Your Current Customer Data: The data from your current customers can provide you with valuable insights into who your customers are and what they seek in your product or service. Analytical tools and technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, discussed in our previous article, can be of great help.

Research Your Competition: Identify who your competition is targeting. Are there segments of the market being ignored?

Create Customer Profiles or Personas: On the other hand, personas are detailed descriptions of your ideal customers. They include details such as age, gender, location, interests, and challenges.

Conduct Surveys and Interviews: Finally, speaking directly with your customers or prospects can provide you with deep insight into their needs and desires.

Once you’ve identified your target audience, you can use this information to tailor your marketing and communication strategies, providing content and messages that resonate with them.

In our next article, we will explore the world of B2B marketing and how these strategies can benefit your business.

If you need help identifying your target audience and optimizing your marketing strategies, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Delving into B2B Marketing: Strategies to Boost Your Business. Boutique branding agency New York.

Welcome to the tenth installment of our article series on the changing landscape of marketing and branding. At Bigsur Branding, your trusted branding agency, today we delve into the world of B2B marketing and how these strategies can benefit your business.

What is B2B Marketing? Rebrand.

B2B marketing, or business-to-business marketing, involves selling a company’s products or services to another company. While it may share some similarities with B2C (business-to-consumer) marketing, B2B marketing has its unique nuances that require a different approach.

Keys to B2B Marketing. Rebranding.

Here are some essential tips for an effective B2B marketing strategy:

Know Your Target Audience: Just like in B2C marketing, knowing your target audience is crucial in B2B marketing. However, in this case, you’ll need to understand not just individuals but also the businesses you’re targeting.

Create Valuable Content: Quality content can also help you establish your business as a leader in your industry, attract potential customers, and foster trust-based relationships. This was discussed in our previous article on how to find your target audience.

Use Social Media Strategically: On the other hand, social media can be a powerful tool for B2B marketing. LinkedIn, for instance, is an ideal platform to connect with other professionals and businesses.

Leverage Technology: Finally, technology, like marketing automation and artificial intelligence, can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your B2B marketing efforts.

Implementing an effective B2B marketing strategy can help you attract new customers, foster lasting relationships, and ultimately drive your business’s growth.

In our next article, we will explore the benefits of good market positioning.

If you need help developing an effective B2B marketing strategy, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The Power of Good Market Positioning: Keys to Stand Out. Boutique branding agency.

Welcome to the eleventh installment of our article series at Bigsur Branding, your trusted branding agency. Today, we’re going to tackle a crucial topic for any business’s success: market positioning.

What is Market Positioning? Rebrand.

Market positioning refers to how your product or service is perceived relative to your competitors. Essentially, it’s what comes to mind for consumers when they think about your brand.

Benefits of Good Positioning. Rebranding.

Good positioning can bring numerous benefits to your business:

Differentiation: Good positioning helps you stand out from your competitors and differentiate yourself in the market.

Customer Loyalty: On the other hand, when customers associate your brand with certain positive attributes, they’re more likely to stay loyal to your product or service.

Higher Profitability: Finally, well-positioned brands often can charge higher prices because customers are willing to pay more for the perceived benefits.

Strategies to Improve Positioning. Boutique branding agency Miami.

Here are some strategies you can use to improve your market positioning:

Understand Your Audience: As mentioned in our previous articles, understanding your target audience is fundamental. This allows you to create a value proposition that resonates with them.

Identify Your Unique Differentiator: What makes your product or service unique? What can you offer that your competitors can’t?

Communicate Your Value Proposition: On the other hand, once you’ve identified your unique differentiator, communicate it effectively to your target audience. This can be through your branding, marketing, and internal and external communication.

In our next article, we will explore common internal communication problems and how they can impact your business.

If you need help improving your market positioning, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Tackling Internal Communication Problems: Strategies to Enhance Cohesion in Your Company. Boutique branding agency.

Welcome to the twelfth installment of our article series at Bigsur Branding, your trusted branding agency. Today, we delve into a topic of crucial importance for any organization: internal communication problems and how to overcome them.

Why is Internal Communication Important? Rebrand.

Internal communication is essential for the cohesion and productivity of any team. Clear and effective communication can boost employee motivation, enhance performance, and foster a positive work environment. However, communication issues can lead to misunderstandings, decrease morale, and hinder the company’s overall performance.

Common Internal Communication Problems. Rebranding.

Some common internal communication problems include:

Lack of Clarity: Without clear communication, employees may not understand their responsibilities or the company’s goals.

Lack of Two-Way Communication: On the other hand, effective communication isn’t just top-down; it should also be bottom-up. Employees should feel that they can voice their ideas and concerns.

Lack of Recognition: Finally, insufficient recognition can make employees feel undervalued, which can impact morale and productivity.

Strategies to Improve Internal Communication. Boutique branding agency California.

To overcome these challenges, here are some strategies you can implement:

Promote Transparency: Share information about the company’s goals and achievements regularly and transparently.

Encourage Feedback: On the other hand, encourage employees to share their ideas and opinions. This was discussed in our previous article on market positioning.

Recognize Employee Work: Finally, make sure to recognize and celebrate your employees’ achievements.

In our next article, we will explore how customer loyalty and the customer lifecycle can impact your business.

If you need help improving your company’s internal communication, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Customer Loyalty and Lifecycle: Optimizing Your Relationship with Your Audience. Boutique branding agency.

Welcome to the thirteenth installment of our article series at Bigsur Branding, your trusted branding agency. Today, we’ll tackle two essential concepts for any business: customer loyalty and the customer lifecycle.

What is Customer Loyalty? Rebrand.

Customer loyalty refers to the process of turning casual customers into repeat customers. Loyal customers not only come back time and time again, but they are also more likely to recommend your brand to others.

What is the Customer Lifecycle? Rebranding.

The customer lifecycle is a model that represents a customer’s relationship with a brand over time, from the first contact to recurring purchase. This cycle includes acquisition, activation, retention, referral, and revenue generation.

Why are Customer Loyalty and Lifecycle Important? Boutique branding agency.

Loyal customers are valuable to any business. Not only is it cheaper to keep current customers than to acquire new ones, but loyal customers also tend to spend more. By understanding and optimizing the customer lifecycle, you can maximize customer satisfaction and increase loyalty.

Strategies to Improve Customer Loyalty and Lifecycle. Boutique branding agency Miami.

Here are some strategies you can implement:

Provide Excellent Customer Service: As we’ve mentioned in our previous articles, clear and effective communication is essential. Thus, this is especially true when it comes to customer service.

Reward Customer Loyalty: On the other hand, loyalty programs, such as discounts for regular customers or point programs, can be very effective in encouraging customer loyalty.

Understand and Meet Customer Needs: Finally, ensure that your product or service meets your customers’ needs and expectations.

In our next article, we will explore the concept of ‘engagement’ and how it can impact your business.

If you need help improving customer loyalty and the customer lifecycle in your company, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Engagement: The Key to Driving Your Business Growth. Boutique branding agency.

Welcome to the fourteenth installment of our article series at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires. Today, we’ll delve into a critical aspect of marketing strategy: engagement.

What is Engagement? Rebrand.

Engagement refers to the level of interaction or commitment that customers have with a brand. This commitment can manifest in many ways, including likes, comments, and shares on social media, opens and clicks in emails, and repeat purchases.

Why is Engagement Important? Rebranding.

Engagement is a key indicator of the emotional connection between your brand and your customers. A high level of engagement indicates that customers are actively interested in your brand and are willing to interact with it. This commitment can lead to an increase in customer loyalty, referrals, and ultimately, business growth.

Strategies to Improve Engagement. Boutique branding agency New York.

Here are some strategies you can implement:

Create Value-Added Content: Relevant and useful content is a great way to attract and hold your customers’ interest. We’ve already discussed the importance of value-added content in our series on customer loyalty and lifecycle.

Encourage Interaction: Encourage your customers to interact with your brand. Thus, this could be through questions on social media, surveys, or contests.

Personalize Communication: On the other hand, personalization can make customers feel valued and increase their propensity to interact with your brand.

Finally, in our next article, we’ll discuss the challenges of attracting and retaining the new generations of workers, known as ‘swallow workers.’

If you need help improving engagement in your company, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

‘Swallow Workers’: Challenges and Strategies for Retaining New Generations. Boutique branding agency.

Welcome to the fifteenth installment of our article series at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires. Today, we’ll delve into a challenge many organizations face: retaining the new generations of workers, known as ‘swallow workers.’

Who are ‘Swallow Workers’? Rebrand.

The term ‘swallow workers’ refers to employees who frequently switch jobs, much like swallows change location with the seasons. This phenomenon is especially common in younger generations, like millennials and Generation Z, who value flexibility, personal development, and job satisfaction over job security.

Why is Retaining ‘Swallow Workers’ a Challenge? Rebranding.

Retaining ‘swallow workers’ can be a challenge for several reasons. Firstly, their tendency to switch jobs can increase hiring and training costs for companies. Secondly, it can be hard to maintain team cohesion and project continuity with a high turnover rate.

Strategies to Retain New Generations. Boutique branding agency Miami.

Here are some strategies you can implement:

Offer Development Opportunities: ‘Swallow workers’ value learning and development opportunities. Offer training opportunities and internal promotions.

Promote a Work-Life Balance: On the other hand, many ‘swallow workers’ value flexibility. Thus, consider implementing flexible work policies and promoting a healthy balance between work and personal life.

Recognize and Reward Good Work: Finally, as we’ve mentioned in our previous articles, recognition can improve engagement and job satisfaction.

In our next article, we’ll tackle the challenge of scalability and how small businesses can effectively grow.

If you need help retaining the new generations of workers in your company, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Scalability: The Challenge of Effective Growth for Small Businesses. Boutique branding agency.

Welcome to the sixteenth installment of our article series at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires. Today, we’ll tackle the challenge of scalability and how small businesses can effectively grow.

What is Scalability? Rebrand.

Scalability refers to a company’s ability to handle an increase in workload or to expand, without compromising performance or quality. A scalable business is one that can significantly increase its revenues without incurring substantial additional costs.

Why is Scalability a Challenge? Rebranding.

Scalability can be a challenge for small businesses for several reasons. Firstly, it can be difficult to anticipate future needs and plan accordingly. Secondly, scalability may require significant investments in technology, personnel, and other resources.

Strategies to Improve Scalability. Boutique branding agency California.

Here are some strategies you can implement:

Invest in Technology: The right technologies can also help businesses handle a higher volume of work more efficiently. We’ve already discussed the importance of new technologies in our previous articles.

Structure Your Organization for Growth: On the other hand, this may involve creating clear roles and responsibilities, and implementing processes and procedures that allow for efficient operation as the business grows.

Plan for the Future: Finally, this includes identifying growth opportunities and planning how resources will be managed to leverage these opportunities.

In our next article, we’ll discuss the importance of having a clear identity for your business and how it can benefit your marketing and branding strategy.

If you need help scaling your business effectively, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Clear Identity: The Fundamental Pillar of Your Branding and Marketing Strategy. Boutique branding agency.

Welcome to the seventeenth installment of our article series at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires. Today, we’ll explore the importance of having a clear identity for your business and how it can benefit your marketing and branding strategy.

What is Brand Identity? Rebrand.

Brand identity is the perception customers have of your company. This perception is influenced by factors like your logo, corporate colors, your brand’s voice, and the emotions your brand evokes. Essentially, brand identity is what sets your company apart from the competition.

Why is a Clear Identity Important? Rebranding.

A clear brand identity can offer numerous benefits to your business:

Differentiation: A clear identity can also help your business stand out in a saturated market.

Customer Loyalty: On the other hand, customers tend to be loyal to brands they recognize and feel emotionally connected to.

Credibility: Finally, a consistent and professional identity can boost your company’s credibility.

Strategies for Building a Clear Identity. Boutique branding agency New York.

Here are some strategies you can implement:

Define Your Values: Your values should also be the foundation of your brand identity. Thus, they should be reflected in everything, from your products to your customer service practices.

Create a Consistent Brand Image: This includes your logo, colors, and brand voice. They should be consistent across all your marketing channels.

Connect Emotionally with Your Customers: On the other hand, your brand should evoke positive emotions in your customers. Finally, to achieve this, you need to understand your target audience and what they value.

In our next article, we’ll delve deeper into In/Out strategies for achieving success through employee engagement.

If you need help building a clear identity for your business, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

In/Out Strategies: Achieving Success through Employee Engagement. Boutique branding agency.

Welcome to the eighteenth installment of our article series at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires. Today, we’ll delve into In/Out strategies and how they can lead to success through employee engagement.

What are In/Out Strategies? Rebrand.

In/Out strategies aim to involve all members of an organization in building the company’s identity and culture. This involvement extends beyond each employee’s roles and responsibilities to their emotional connection with the company’s values and goals.

Why are In/Out Strategies Important? Rebranding.

Employee Motivation: When employees feel they are an integral part of the company and their work is valued, they are more motivated to perform at their best.

Talent Retention: On the other hand, companies that foster strong employee engagement tend to have higher talent retention rates.

Improved Customer Service: Finally, engaged employees often provide better customer service as they are motivated to represent the company well.

How to Implement In/Out Strategies. Boutique branding agency Miami.

Here are some suggestions for implementing In/Out strategies in your company:

Transparent Communication: Open and transparent communication is also key to employee engagement. This includes sharing company achievements and challenges, as well as seeking and valuing employee feedback.

Employee Recognition: On the other hand, recognizing and rewarding employees for their contributions can boost their sense of belonging and motivation.

Promoting Company Values: Finally, ensure all employees know and understand the company’s values. These values should be evident in all company policies and practices.

In our next article, we’ll delve into the OKR (Objectives and Key Results) methodology and how it can help your company achieve its goals.

If you need help implementing In/Out strategies in your company, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Working Towards Goals: OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) framework and how to achieve them. Boutique branding agency.

Welcome to the nineteenth installment of our article series at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires. Continuing with the theme of employee participation and engagement, today we will focus on OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) framework and how it can help your company achieve its goals.

What are OKRs? Rebrand.

OKRs are a framework that helps organizations set, track, and achieve their goals. This framework is divided into two parts: Objectives, which are the goals the company wants to achieve, and Key Results, which are the specific actions that will help the company achieve these objectives.

Why are OKRs Important? Rebranding.

Clarity and Focus: OKRs provide a clear vision of what the company aims to achieve and how it can be accomplished.

Team Alignment: On the other hand, this methodology helps all teams and employees work in the same direction, contributing to cohesion and collaboration across the company.

Performance Measurement: Finally, OKRs allow for objective and quantitative performance measurement, helping to identify areas for improvement.

How to Implement OKRs. Boutique branding agency.

Here are some tips for implementing OKRs in your company:

Set Clear and Measurable Goals: Objectives should be specific, relevant, and attainable. Moreover, key results should be quantifiable to track progress.

Constant Communication: Regular communication is also essential to ensure everyone is aligned and focused on the same goals.

Regular Review: On the other hand, OKRs should be reviewed regularly to assess progress and make necessary adjustments.

By combining the implementation of OKRs with In/Out strategies, you can create a work environment that is not only productive but also participative and engaged.

Finally, if you need help implementing OKRs in your company, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The Post-COVID Era and Its Impact on Marketing and Branding Strategies. Boutique branding agency.

Welcome back to our Bigsur Branding blog! As a boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, we always stay on top of the latest trends and shifts in the world of marketing and branding. Today, we want to discuss a topic that has completely turned our lives around: the impact of the post-COVID era on marketing and branding strategies.

Intro. Rebrand.

We live in a changing world, where adaptability is key to the survival and growth of our brands. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us that change can be abrupt and drastic. It has altered the way we live, work, interact, and most importantly, how we do business.

On the other hand, these changes are evident in the way brands communicate and connect with their audiences. What worked in terms of pre-COVID marketing and branding might not be as effective in the current context. So, how can we adapt to these new scenarios?

Accelerated Digitization. Rebranding.

The closure of physical stores and mobility restrictions have accelerated the transition to the digital world. For brands, strengthening their online presence and optimizing the digital user experience has become a necessity. Finally, here are some tips on how to strengthen your online presence.

Authentic Communication. Boutique branding agency Miami.

In times of uncertainty, consumers seek authenticity and transparency. Brand communication needs to be clear, honest, and show empathy towards its audience’s concerns. Learn more about improving your brand communication in our previous article.

Sustainability and Social Responsibility. Rebrand.

On the other hand, the pandemic has underscored the importance of sustainability and social responsibility. Now more than ever, brands need to demonstrate their commitment to these values to attract conscious consumers.

Interested in learning more about sustainable branding? Visit our article where we delve into this topic. Adapting to the post-COVID world may seem challenging, but it also presents an opportunity to reinvent oneself and connect more deeply with our audience.

At Bigsur Branding, we’re here to help you navigate these changes. Keep reading our blog and discover how to empower your brand in the post-COVID era. Remember, if you need help with your branding strategy, don’t hesitate to look for us as a “branding agency” or “boutique branding agency”. We’re here to help you grow!

The Circular Economy: An Innovative Approach for Branding and Marketing Strategies. Boutique branding agency Miami.

Welcome back to our Bigsur Branding blog! As a boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, we are always up-to-date with the latest trends and shifts in the world of marketing and branding. Today, we want to talk about a subject that is gaining a lot of relevance: the circular economy and its impact on marketing and branding strategies.

Intro. Rebrand.

We live in an ever-changing world, where sustainability has become an indispensable requirement for any brand looking to grow and stand out in the market. We’ve previously talked about the importance of sustainability in branding, but now we’d like to delve into an innovative approach that’s transforming the business landscape: the circular economy.

What is the circular economy? Rebranding.

It’s an economic model that moves away from the traditional linear “take, make, waste” system and focuses on reusing and recycling to minimize waste and maximize efficiency. On the other hand, for brands, adopting a circular economy strategy involves changing the way we produce, sell, and consume products. Finally, here are some tips on how to implement the circular economy in your brand.

Rethinking product design. Boutique branding agency Miami.

To minimize waste and maximize efficiency, brands need to rethink the way they design their products. This involves considering durability, reparability, and the recyclability of the product once it has reached the end of its life.

Closing the loop. Rebrand.

Implementing return and recycling programs can also help brands recover and reuse materials, closing the production and consumption loop.

Promoting the sharing economy. Rebranding.

The sharing economy can help brands maximize the utility of their products by extending their lifespan through rental or resale. On the other hand, adapting to the circular economy model can be challenging, but it also offers an opportunity for brands to innovate and differentiate themselves in an increasingly sustainability-conscious market.

At Bigsur Branding, we’re here to help you navigate these changes. Keep reading our blog and discover how to strengthen your brand in the era of the circular economy. Remember, if you need help with your branding strategy, don’t hesitate to search for us as a “branding agency” or “boutique branding agency”. We’re here to help you grow!

Omnichannel Marketing: Connecting with the Modern Consumer. Boutique branding agency Miami.

Hello to all our readers at Bigsur Branding! As a boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, we are committed to delivering the latest trends and strategies in the world of marketing and branding. Today, we’ll delve into omnichannel marketing, a strategy that is changing the way brands connect with their audience.

Intro. Rebrand.

We live in a digital era where consumers interact with brands across multiple channels, including social media, websites, mobile apps, and physical stores. In response to this reality, omnichannel marketing has emerged as a strategy that aims to provide a consistent user experience at all points of contact with a brand.

How to implement omnichannel marketing in your branding strategy? Rebranding.

Here are some tips. Know your target audience:

Understanding your audience is the first step in implementing any marketing strategy. In the case of omnichannel marketing, this means knowing what channels your customers use and how they interact with your brand.

Create a consistent experience across all channels: Thus, the key to omnichannel marketing is to provide a consistent experience at all points of contact with your brand. This also means that your messages, images, and design should be consistent across all channels.

Integrate your communication channels: On the other hand, to achieve a true omnichannel experience, you need to integrate your communication channels. This means that, for example, if a customer begins to interact with your brand on social media and then moves to your website, their experience should be seamless and uninterrupted.

For this reason, in the era of the modern consumer, omnichannel marketing is not an option, it’s a necessity.

At Bigsur Branding, we’re here to help you navigate these changes and adapt to new trends. Continue reading our blog to keep learning about the latest trends in branding and marketing.

In our previous article, we discussed the circular economy, a concept that is transforming the way brands do business. Don’t miss it!

The Power of Personalization in Branding and Advertising. Boutique branding agency Miami.

Welcome to the seventeenth installment of our series of articles at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires. Today, we’ll delve into the power of personalization in branding and advertising.

What is Personalization in Branding and Advertising? Rebrand.

Personalization is a marketing strategy that involves tailoring a product, service, or brand message to uniquely resonate with each customer. This can also be achieved through product personalization, personalized recommendations, targeted marketing content, and more.

Why is Personalization Important? Rebranding.

In today’s digital era personalization in branding and advertising is critical. Consumers are bombarded with a plethora of information each day, so brands must stand out and create unique experiences for each customer. In conclusion, this strategy can help improve customer loyalty, increase conversions, and build stronger relationships with customers.

Implementing an Effective Personalization Strategy. Boutique branding agency.

Here are some strategies you can implement to personalize your branding and advertising efforts:

Market Segmentation: On the other hand, this strategy involves breaking your target market into smaller, more specific segments. This way, you can tailor your messages and offers to meet the unique needs and desires of each segment.

Customer Data: Also, utilize customer data to gain deep insight into their behaviors, preferences, and needs. This information can be handy in personalizing your offers and brand messages.

Technology: Finally, modern marketing and advertising tools enable brands to personalize their efforts on a scale never seen before. For example, you can use machine learning and artificial intelligence to personalize product recommendations in real-time.

Next. Rebranding.

Finally, in our next article, we’ll explore how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the world of marketing and branding. If you’re looking to personalize your branding and advertising efforts, don’t hesitate to contact us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its Role in Transforming Marketing. Boutique branding agency Miami.

Welcome to the eighteenth installment of our article series at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires. Today, we will focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its role in the transformation of marketing.

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Rebranding.

Artificial Intelligence is a branch of computer science that focuses on creating systems capable of performing tasks that normally require human intelligence. Thus, these tasks can include learning, visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation, among others.

Why is AI important for marketing? Rebrand.

AI is transforming the way companies conduct their marketing strategies. Some of the most common uses of AI in marketing include customer experience personalization, predictive analysis, task automation, and customer service.

Customer experience personalization: As we mentioned in our previous article, personalization is key in branding and advertising. AI can also help personalize the customer experience on a massive scale.

Predictive analysis: AI can also use vast amounts of data to predict customer behavior and help companies make informed decisions.

Task automation: AI can also help automate repetitive and tedious tasks, allowing companies to focus on more strategic activities.

Customer service: Chatbots and virtual assistants are examples of how AI can also enhance customer service.

Implementing AI in your marketing strategy. Boutique branding agency.

Here are some strategies you can implement:

Use chatbots: Chatbots can also help enhance the customer experience by providing immediate responses to customer inquiries.

Adopt predictive analysis: On the other hand, predictive analysis can also help you predict your customers’ behavior and make informed decisions about your marketing strategies.

Automate tasks with AI: Finally, task automation can also save you time and resources, allowing you to focus on other areas of your business.

In our next article, we will address the importance of Storytelling in brand building.

If you need help implementing AI in your marketing strategy, do not hesitate to contact us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


The Importance of Storytelling in brand building. Boutique branding agency Miami.

Welcome to the nineteenth installment of our article series at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires. Today, we’re going to discuss the importance of storytelling in brand building.

What is Storytelling? Rebranding.

Storytelling is the art of telling stories. In the context of marketing and branding, storytelling refers to the narrative a brand creates to connect with its target audience. Through an effective story, a brand can also elicit emotions, establish an identity, and foster customer loyalty.

Why is Storytelling Important in brand building? Rebrand.

Storytelling is essential in brand building for several reasons:

Elicits emotions: As we mentioned in our article on neuromarketing, emotions play a crucial role in consumer buying decisions. Through engaging stories, brands can also elicit an emotional connection with consumers.

Establishes brand identity: On the other hand, a well-told story can also help define a brand’s personality and identity, differentiating it from its competitors.

Fosters customer loyalty: Finally, memorable stories can also create a lasting connection with customers, fostering loyalty and retention.

How to implement Storytelling in your branding strategy. Boutique branding agency.

Here are some strategies you can implement:

Define your brand story: What’s your brand’s story? What makes you unique? What’s your mission and vision? Defining these aspects will help you create a coherent and authentic story.

Know your audience: To tell an effective story, you also need to know your audience. What are their interests? What motivates them? What kind of stories resonate with them?

Be authentic: In fact, the most effective stories are those that are authentic. Don’t try to be something you’re not. Instead, be authentic and show your customers what your brand truly stands for.

Next. Rebranding.

In our next article, we’ll address how to capture the attention of millennials and Generation Z in the saturated world of marketing.

If you need help implementing storytelling into your branding strategy, don’t hesitate to contact us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Millennials and Generation Z: Capturing their attention in the oversaturated world of marketing. Boutique branding agency Miami. 

Welcome to the twentieth installment of our article series at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires. Today, we’ll delve into how to capture the attention of millennials and Generation Z in the oversaturated world of marketing.

Who are Millennials and Generation Z? Rebranding.

Millennials are those born between 1981 and 1996, while Generation Z includes those born between 1997 and 2012. Both generations are highly familiar with the internet, social media, and digital technologies.

Why is capturing their attention important? Rebrand.

These generations represent a large portion of the population and wield considerable purchasing power. They’re also natural influencers and play a key role in current consumer trends. Thus, engaging their attention can also be highly beneficial for brands.

Strategies for capturing the attention of Millennials and Generation Z. Boutique branding agency.

Here are some strategies that you can implement:

  • Engaging Content: Both generations value creative, authentic, and high-quality content. As we mentioned in our storytelling article, telling a captivating story can also help attract their attention.
  • Personalized Experience: On the other hand, as we highlighted in our article on personalization in advertising and branding, these generations expect personalized experiences that align with their interests and values.
  • Social Commitment: Also, millennials and Generation Z value socially responsible brands that engage with causes they care about.
  • Two-Way Communication: These generations also appreciate the opportunity to interact with brands. Finally, interactive and experiential marketing can be highly effective, as we discussed in our article on new forms of engagement.

Next. Branding agency.

In our next article, we’ll tackle neuromarketing and how it helps to understand consumer behavior.

If you need help capturing the attention of millennials and Generation Z, don’t hesitate to contact us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Neuromarketing: understanding consumer behavior. Boutique branding agency Miami.

Welcome to the twenty-first installment of our article series at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires. Today, we’re diving into the fascinating world of neuromarketing and how it helps us understand consumer behavior.

What is Neuromarketing? Rebranding.

Neuromarketing is a discipline that combines neuroscience with marketing. It seeks to understand how consumers make decisions and how their brains respond to marketing strategies.

Why is Neuromarketing important? Rebrand.

Understanding the mental processes that lead consumers to choose one product or service over another can also help brands design more effective marketing strategies. Just like we discussed in our article about Millennials and Generation Z, understanding your audience is crucial to capturing their attention.

Neuromarketing strategies to understand consumer behavior. Boutique branding agency.

Here are some strategies you can implement:

  • Emotions: Consumers often make decisions based on emotions rather than logic. Thus, creating an emotional connection, as we’ve mentioned in our Storytelling article, can be also very effective.
  • Sense of Scarcity: On the other hand, the human brain is wired to value scarce things. Limited-time offers or products with limited stock can also enhance perceived value.
  • Limited Choice: Too many options can also overwhelm the brain, leading to indecision. Limiting options can also simplify the decision process and increase conversions.
  • Color and Design: Finally, colors and design can also influence how we perceive and react to brands and products. We’ve also talked about the importance of design in our article about personalization in advertising and branding.

Next. Branding agency.

In our next article, we’ll delve into the growth of e-commerce and how to optimize the online shopping experience.

If you need help understanding your consumers and designing effective marketing strategies, don’t hesitate to contact us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The Growth of E-commerce: How to Optimize Online Shopping Experience. Boutique branding agency Miami.

Welcome to the twenty-second installment in our series of articles at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires. Today, we’ll delve into the growth of e-commerce and how to optimize the online shopping experience.

What is E-commerce? Rebranding.

E-commerce, or electronic commerce, is the activity of buying or selling goods or services online. The growth of e-commerce has been exponential in recent years, driven by advancements in technology and shifts in consumer behaviors.

Why is E-commerce Important? Rebrand.

As we mentioned in our article on neuromarketing, understanding consumer behavior is key. In the digital world, consumers have more choices and access to information than ever before. An optimized online shopping experience can also help brands stand out in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

Strategies to Optimize the Online Shopping Experience. Boutique branding agency.

Here are some strategies you can implement:

  • Intuitive Design: As we discussed in our article about personalization in advertising and branding, your online store’s design should be easy to navigate and visually appealing.
  • Detailed Product Descriptions: On the other hand, providing consumers with all the information they need to make an informed decision can also increase customer satisfaction and reduce returns.
  • Coupons and Discounts: Discounts can also attract new customers and encourage existing customers to make additional purchases.
  • Quality Customer Service: Finally, excellent customer service can also enhance the shopping experience and foster customer loyalty.

Next. Branding agency.

In our next article, we will discuss the green economy and its impact on branding and marketing.

If you need help optimizing your e-commerce experience, do not hesitate to contact us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


The Green Economy and its Impact on Branding and Marketing. Boutique Branding agency Miami.

Welcome to the twenty-third installment of our blog series at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires. Today, we will explore the green economy and its impact on branding and marketing.

What is the Green Economy? Rebranding.

The green economy refers to an economy that aims to reduce environmental impacts and promote sustainability while ensuring economic growth and employment. The green economy is also becoming increasingly relevant in the business world as consumers become more aware of environmental issues.

Why is the Green Economy Important for Branding and Marketing? Rebrand.

As we mentioned in our article on the post-COVID era and its impact on marketing and branding strategies, businesses must adapt to changes in consumer attitudes and behaviors. In addition, the growing environmental awareness of consumers is changing the way brands present themselves and market their products.

Strategies to Integrate the Green Economy into Your Brand. Boutique branding agency.

Here are some strategies you can implement:

  • Be Transparent: Thus, businesses should be open and honest about their efforts to be more sustainable. Transparency can also help build trust and loyalty among consumers.
  • Practice What You Preach: On the other hand, it’s not enough to simply talk about sustainability; businesses must also implement real and demonstrable sustainability measures.
  • Communicate Effectively: Also, use your marketing channels to communicate your sustainability efforts. This also can help educate consumers and show them that your brand takes sustainability seriously.

Next. Branding agency.

In our next article, we will discuss emerging trends in digital marketing to keep on the radar.

If you need help integrating the green economy into your branding strategy, do not hesitate to contact us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Emerging Trends in Digital Marketing to Keep on the Radar. Boutique Branding Agency Miami.

Welcome to the twenty-fourth installment of our article series at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires. Today, we will delve into the captivating realm of emerging trends in digital marketing.

What are Emerging Trends in Digital Marketing? Rebranding.

Emerging trends in digital marketing are the new strategies and technologies that are beginning to influence how brands interact with their audience online. Furthermore, these trends are constantly changing due to the ever-evolving nature of the digital world.

Why is it Important to Stay Aware of Emerging Trends in Digital Marketing? Rebrand.

As we mentioned in our article on Artificial Intelligence and its role in transforming marketing, businesses must constantly adapt to changes in consumer behavior and expectations. Keeping abreast of emerging trends in digital marketing can also help businesses stay relevant and competitive.

Emerging Trends in Digital Marketing to Keep on the Radar. Boutique branding agency.

Here are some trends that could have a significant impact on the world of digital marketing soon:

  • Interactive Content Marketing: Interactive content, such as quizzes, surveys, and calculators, can also help businesses engage their audience more deeply and collect valuable data.
  • Voice Platform Advertising: On the other hand, with the growth of voice assistants like Alexa and Google Assistant, advertising on voice platforms could also become a significant trend in digital marketing.
  • AI-Based Personalization: AI can also help businesses personalize their marketing at a deeper level, providing unique experiences for each consumer.

Next. Branding agency.

In our next article, we will discuss the rise of content marketing and how to create an effective content strategy.

If you need help keeping your digital marketing strategy up-to-date with emerging trends, don’t hesitate to contact us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


The Rise of Content Marketing: How to Create an Effective Content Strategy. Boutique branding agency New York.

Welcome to the twenty-fifth installment in our series of articles at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires. Today, we will tackle the rising trend of content marketing and how to develop an effective strategy for it.

What is content marketing? Rebranding.

Content marketing is also a marketing strategy focused on creating, publishing, and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract and retain a defined audience. As we pointed out in our previous article on emerging trends in digital marketing, content marketing is gaining ground as one of the most effective ways to engage consumers in the digital age.

Why is an effective content marketing strategy important? Rebrand.

An effective content marketing strategy can help businesses establish a strong relationship with their target audience, boost brand visibility, enhance the company’s reputation, and ultimately drive sales and business growth.

How to Create an Effective Content Strategy. Boutique branding agency.

Here are some steps that can help you create an effective content marketing strategy:

  • Define your target audience: Just like with any marketing strategy, the first step is understanding who you are trying to reach. Therefore, the content you create should be designed to resonate with your target audience.
  • Decide what type of content to create: On the other hand, the next step is deciding what type of content you will create. Thus, this will largely depend on your target audience and what you are trying to achieve.
  • Determine your posting frequency: Finally, it’s important to determine how much content you will post and how often. Therefore, the amount of content and posting frequency can vary depending on your goals and your team’s capacity.

Next. Branding agency.

In our next article, we will tackle new ways of engagement: interactive and experiential marketing.

If you need help developing an effective content marketing strategy, don’t hesitate to contact us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


New ways of Engagement: Interactive and Experiential Marketing. Boutique Branding Agency California.

Welcome to the fourteenth installment of our article series at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires. Today, we’ll be discussing new ways of engagement through interactive and experiential marketing.

What is Interactive and Experiential Marketing? Rebranding.

Interactive marketing is built on involving the customer in the marketing process. Through various forms of digital interaction, customers actively partake in the brand experience, making them feel more connected with the business.

Experiential marketing, on the other hand, focuses on creating memorable and emotionally meaningful experiences for customers. This type of marketing seeks to connect with customers on a deeper level, going beyond traditional sales messages.

Why is Interactive and Experiential Marketing Important? Rebrand.

In the digital era, with fiercer competition and more demanding customers, creating unique and personalized experiences can make the difference between standing out or being just another one in the crowd. We’ve already mentioned the importance of personalization in branding and advertising in one of our previous articles.

Strategies to Enhance Engagement. Branding services.

Here are some strategies to implement interactive and experiential marketing in your business:

  • Engage the customer: Whether it’s through surveys, social media comments, contests, games, or other forms of interaction, ensure that your customers feel part of the conversation.
  • Create memorable experiences: Whether it’s through events, branded content, in-store experiences, or online user experiences, seek ways to create unique moments that your customers will remember.
  • Use technology to your advantage: Finally, virtual reality, augmented reality, mobile apps, and other emerging technologies can help you create interactive and memorable experiences for your customers.

Next. Branding agency.

In our next article, we’ll address how to build a socially responsible brand.

If you need help implementing interactive and experiential marketing strategies, don’t hesitate to contact us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


How to Build a Socially Responsible Brand. Boutique branding agency New York.

Welcome to the fifteenth installment of our article series at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires. Today, we’re focusing on how to build a socially responsible brand.

What is a Socially Responsible Brand? Rebranding.

A socially responsible brand is one that takes into account the impact of its decisions and actions on society and the environment. This can involve a range of practices, such as improving working conditions, engaging in the local community, implementing sustainable production practices, and more. In one of our previous articles, we discussed the impact of the green economy on branding and marketing.

Why is Social Responsibility Important? Rebrand.

Being socially responsible can also benefit your business in several ways. Therefore, it can improve your reputation, strengthen your relationship with customers, attract talented and motivated employees, and even increase your long-term profitability.

Strategies for Building a Socially Responsible Brand. Branding services.

Here are some strategies you can implement:

  • Know your target audience: Understanding your customers is also crucial. So, researching their values and beliefs can help you align your brand with their expectations and desires.
  • Set clear goals: On the other hand, define what you want to achieve with your social responsibility and how you plan to do it. This also may be helpful to develop a corporate social responsibility plan.
  • Be transparent: Moreover, communicate your social responsibility initiatives and achievements to your customers. Remember, honesty and transparency are also essential in building trust.
  • Involve your employees: Finally, foster a culture of social responsibility within your company. Your employees can also be your best brand ambassadors.

Next. Branding agency.

In our next article, we will discuss the impact of native advertising on consumer perception.

So, if you need help building a socially responsible brand, don’t hesitate to contact us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Native Advertising and Its Impact on Consumer Perception. Boutique branding agency California.

Welcome to the sixteenth installment of our article series at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires. Today, we’re going to explore native advertising and how it influences consumer perception.

What is Native Advertising? Rebranding.

Native advertising is a marketing technique that involves seamlessly integrating promotional content into a media platform, in such a way that it doesn’t interrupt the user’s experience. Instead of standing out as an explicit ad, native advertising blends in with regular content, enriching the user’s experience instead of disrupting it.

Why is Native Advertising Important? Rebrand.

Native advertising can be a potent tool for brands. Unlike traditional ads that can be intrusive and sometimes annoying, native ads are generally more agreeable to users. This can lead to higher engagement rates and a more positive perception of the brand. In one of our previous articles, we talked about new forms of engagement in marketing.

How to Implement Native Advertising. Branding services.

Here are some strategies that you can implement:

  • Ensure content is relevant: The content of native ads should also be relevant both to the platform it is on and the audience it is targeting.
  • Design for the platform: On the other hand, each platform has its own visual language and tone. Thus, design your native ads to match the style of the platform.
  • Provide value: Finally, native ads shouldn’t be purely promotional. They should provide value to the audience, whether through entertainment, useful information, or an engaging story.

Next. Branding agency.

In our next article, we’ll discuss the importance of data in marketing decisions, so be sure to check back in with us.

If you need help implementing native advertising in your marketing strategy, don’t hesitate to contact us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Branding and Marketing in the Era of Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain. Boutique branding agency Miami.

Welcome to the seventeenth installment of our series of articles at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires. Today, we’ll be delving into branding and marketing in the age of cryptocurrencies and blockchain.

What are Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain? Rebranding.

First, cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that use cryptography for secure transactions. Blockchain is also the underlying technology that enables cryptocurrencies, recording transactions in blocks of information that are linked together to form an immutable chain.

Why is it Important for Branding and Marketing? Rebrand.

The rising popularity of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology presents unique opportunities for brands. From offering new forms of payment to crafting unique user experiences, cryptocurrencies and blockchain are redefining how brands engage with their customers. In one of our previous articles, we discussed new forms of engagement in marketing.

How to Implement Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain into Your Branding and Marketing Strategy. Branding services.

Here are some strategies you can implement:

  • Adopt cryptocurrencies as a form of payment: This can also be an effective way to attract a younger, tech-savvy audience.
  • Leverage blockchain technology to enhance transparency: Brands can also use blockchain to provide customers with transparent and verifiable information about their products or services.
  • Create a branded cryptocurrency: Finally, some brands are creating their own cryptocurrencies to foster customer loyalty and enhance user experience.

Next. Branding agency.

In our next article, we will discuss the role of leadership in building a strong brand.

Moreover, if you need assistance in implementing cryptocurrencies and blockchain into your branding and marketing strategy, feel free to contact us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


The Role of Leadership in Building a Strong Brand. Boutique branding agency New York.

Welcome to the eighteenth installment of our article series at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires. Today, we will address the crucial role that leadership plays in building a strong brand.

Why is Leadership Important in Brand Building? Rebranding.

In addition, leadership has a direct impact on how a brand is perceived. Therefore, leaders model the company culture, set the direction of the brand, and make decisions that influence public perception of the brand.

How Good Leadership Can Strengthen Your Brand. Rebranding.

There are several ways in which good leadership can contribute to your brand’s strength:

  • Establishing a clear vision: A good leader also provides a clear vision for the brand, which is crucial for keeping everyone in the organization focused and aligned towards the same objectives.
  • Building a strong brand culture: On the other hand, leadership is key in establishing and maintaining a brand culture that reflects the brand’s values and personality.
  • Driving innovation: Likewise, leaders have the power to promote innovation, which is essential for keeping the brand relevant and competitive.

We’ve discussed the importance of innovation in our previous articles, such as “Emerging Technologies in Marketing and Advertising: Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and More” and “Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Its Role in Transforming Marketing”.

Next. Branding services.

In our next article, we will discuss the future of work and the trends and changes in the labor landscape.

If you need help strengthening your brand through leadership, don’t hesitate to contact us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


The Future of Work: Trends and Changes in the Labor Landscape. Boutique branding agency Miami.

Welcome to the nineteenth installment of our article series at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires. Today, we’ll discuss the future of work and the trends and changes shaping the labor landscape.

Why Understanding the Future of Work is Crucial. Rebranding.

Understanding the future of work is also crucial for businesses that aim to remain competitive in today’s increasingly digital and globalized world. Moreover, emerging work trends, like remote work and changes in employee expectations, can significantly impact how companies operate and organize themselves.

Key Trends in the Future of Work. Rebrand.

Some of the most important trends shaping the future of work include:

  • The rise of remote work: Remote work has also become increasingly common, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. This trend has shifted employees’ expectations and challenged businesses to adapt to new ways of working.
  • The demand for digital skills: With the digital transformation of businesses, digital skills are also becoming increasingly valued. Therefore, we have highlighted this shift in our article “The digital transformation of companies: How to adapt and thrive”.
  • The pursuit of work-life balance: Today’s workers are increasingly seeking a work-life balance, which has led to a shift in company policies.
  • The rise of the gig economy: Moreover, the growth of the gig economy, or the economy of temporary and flexible jobs, is another key trend in the future of work.

Next. Branding services.

In our next article, we’ll discuss emerging technologies in marketing and advertising, such as virtual reality and augmented reality.

So, if you need help adapting to the future of work, don’t hesitate to contact us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Emerging Technologies in Marketing and Advertising: Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and More. Boutique branding agency California.

Welcome to the twentieth installment of our article series at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires. Today, we’re going to explore emerging technologies in marketing and advertising, with a special focus on Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR).

Why are Emerging Technologies in Marketing and Advertising Important? Rebranding.

Emerging technologies such as VR and AR can profoundly transform how businesses interact with their customers, providing immersive experiences that capture attention and boost engagement. We’ve already seen how the digitalization of businesses, a topic we addressed in our “Business Digital Transformation: How to Adapt and Thrive” article, has altered the marketing landscape.

Virtual Reality (VR) in Marketing and Advertising. Rebrand.

Virtual Reality allows users to immerse themselves in a completely virtual environment. In marketing, VR can provide memorable brand experiences and allow customers to try products in a virtual setting before purchasing.

Augmented Reality (AR) in Marketing and Advertising. Branding services.

Unlike VR, Augmented Reality overlays digital information onto the real world, enabling users to interact with brands in new and exciting ways. A famous example of this is beauty brands’ virtual makeup application, which allows customers to try different looks on their own faces via their smartphones.

The Future of Marketing and Advertising. Branding agency.

Emerging technologies like VR and AR are just the beginning. As we move further into the future of work, a topic we discussed in our previous article, it’s likely we’ll see even more innovations that transform marketing and advertising.

If you need help leveraging emerging technologies in your marketing strategy, don’t hesitate to contact us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Game Changer: The Future of Marketing in the Digital Age. Boutique branding agency New York.

Welcome to the next thrilling installment in our series at Bigsur Branding, your trusted branding agency. Today, we’re shifting our focus to a critical topic for any business: the future of marketing in the digital age.

Why is Digital Marketing Important? Rebranding.

In today’s landscape, digital marketing has become an integral component of any successful business strategy. A well-planned digital marketing approach can increase your brand’s reach and visibility, improve customer engagement, and ultimately drive business sales and growth.

Common Challenges in Digital Marketing. Rebrand.

Some common challenges in digital marketing include:

  • Lack of Strategy: Without a clear digital strategy, businesses may get lost in the vastness of the digital world.
  • Poor Understanding of Target Audience: Understanding your audience is key to crafting effective marketing campaigns.
  • Lack of Integration: The most effective digital marketing campaigns seamlessly integrate with traditional marketing and branding strategies.

Strategies to Improve Digital Marketing. Branding services.

To overcome these challenges, here are some strategies you can implement:

  • Develop a Solid Strategy: Define your goals and plot a clear path to reach them.
  • Know Your Audience: Use analytics tools to better understand your target audience and tailor your marketing campaigns to them.
  • Integrate Your Marketing Efforts: Ensure your digital marketing campaigns align and complement your overall marketing and branding efforts.

Next. Branding agency.

In our next article, we’ll explore how to establish your branding in international markets, a topic closely related to a robust digital marketing strategy.

If you need help navigating the future of marketing in the digital age, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Our team of experts is here to help you design and implement an effective digital marketing strategy that will keep you at the forefront of today’s competitive business world.


Global Branding: Establishing Your Brand in International Markets. Boutique Branding Agency Miami.

Welcome to a new installment in our series at Bigsur Branding, your trusted branding agency. Today, we focus on a crucial topic for any business looking to expand: how to establish your branding in international markets.

Why is International Branding Important? Rebranding.

In an increasingly globalized world, establishing your brand in international markets can be a determinant factor for your business’s growth and success. Strong branding can increase your brand visibility, strengthen customer connections, and create global growth opportunities.

Common Challenges in International Branding. Rebrand.

Some common challenges in international branding include:

  • Lack of Market Understanding: Without deep understanding of the international market, it can be difficult to connect with the local audience.
  • Cultural Differences: Cultural nuances can impact how your brand is received in different markets.
  • Brand Consistency: Keeping a consistent brand identity across multiple markets can be challenging.

Strategies to Improve Your International Branding. Branding services.

To overcome these challenges, here are some strategies you can implement:

  • Know Your Market: Research and understand the specific characteristics of the market you are targeting.
  • Adapt Your Brand: Consider cultural differences and adapt your branding to each market without losing your core essence.
  • Ensure Consistency: Make sure your brand identity is consistent and recognizable across all markets.

Next. Branding agency.

In our next article, we will discuss “The Power of Words: The Importance of Content in Marketing Strategy,” which closely ties with today’s topic as effective content can be key to connect with international audiences.

If you need help establishing your branding in international markets, do not hesitate to contact us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Our team of experts is here to help you design and implement an effective branding strategy that allows you to stand out in the competitive world of international business.

The Power of Words: The Importance of Content in Your Marketing Strategy. Boutique Branding Agency California.

Welcome to a new instalment of our series at Bigsur Branding, your trusted branding agency. Today, we are focusing on a critical topic for any business: the importance of content in your marketing strategy.

Why is Content Important in Marketing Strategy? Rebranding.

In today’s digital world, content has become a cornerstone of marketing. Quality content can increase your brand’s visibility, strengthen connections with customers, and position your business as a leader in its field.

Common Challenges in Content Creation. Rebrand.

Some common challenges in content creation include:

  • Lack of Originality: In a world saturated with content, standing out can be challenging.
  • Difficulty Connecting with the Audience: Without a clear understanding of the target audience, it can be hard to create content that resonates with them.
  • Consistency of Content: Maintaining a steady and consistent production of quality content can be challenging.

Strategies to Improve Your Marketing Content. Branding Services.

To overcome these challenges, here are some strategies you can implement:

  • Create Original Content: Ensure your content is unique and reflects your brand’s voice and values.
  • Know Your Audience: Conduct thorough research to understand your target audience and create content that connects with them.
  • Maintain Consistency: Develop a content calendar and ensure you are publishing regularly.

Next. Branding agency.

In our next article, we’ll discuss “The Rise of Cryptocurrencies: How Will It Impact E-commerce?” which ties into today’s topic as effective content can be key in educating your customers about new forms of payment.

If you need help improving the content of your marketing strategy, do not hesitate to get in touch with us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Our team of experts is here to help you design and execute an effective marketing strategy that allows you to stand out in the competitive business world.

The Rise of Cryptocurrencies: How will it Impact E-commerce? Boutique branding agency New York.

Welcome to a new installment in our article series at Bigsur Branding, your trusted branding agency. Today we’re focusing on a critical topic for any digital business: the impact of cryptocurrencies on e-commerce.

Why are Cryptocurrencies Important in E-commerce? Rebranding.

In today’s digital world, cryptocurrencies are revolutionizing the way businesses and customers interact. These new means of payment can offer enhanced security, efficiency, and access to international markets.

Common Challenges with Cryptocurrencies. Rebrand.

Some common challenges with cryptocurrencies in e-commerce include:

  • Lack of Knowledge: Many businesses are unfamiliar with how cryptocurrencies work.
  • Volatility: Cryptocurrency values can fluctuate rapidly, which can pose a risk.
  • Technological Adaptation: Integrating cryptocurrencies into existing payment systems can be a technical challenge.

Strategies to Implement Cryptocurrencies in your E-commerce. Branding services.

To overcome these challenges, here are some strategies you can implement:

  • Education: Ensure you understand how cryptocurrencies work and how they can benefit your business.
  • Strategic Partnerships: Work with payment service providers that support cryptocurrencies.
  • Keep Your Customers Informed: If you decide to accept cryptocurrencies, make sure to communicate this effectively to your customers. Remember that effective communication is key, as we discussed in our previous article about the importance of content in your marketing strategy.

Next. Branding agency.

In our next article, we will tackle “User Experience: The Heart of Your E-commerce Website,” which links to today’s topic as the implementation of cryptocurrencies can enhance your customers’ payment experience.

If you need help integrating cryptocurrencies into your e-commerce business, do not hesitate to get in touch with us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Our team of experts is here to help you navigate the changing landscape of digital commerce.

User experience: The heart of your e-commerce website. Boutique branding agency Miami.

Welcome to another installment in our series of articles at Bigsur Branding, your trusted branding agency. Today we’re honing in on a critical topic for any digital business: user experience on e-commerce websites.

Why is User Experience Important in E-commerce? Rebranding.

User experience is pivotal in e-commerce. A customer-oriented, user-friendly web design can boost sales, improve customer retention, and enhance your brand’s reputation.

Common Challenges in User Experience. Rebrand.

Some common challenges in e-commerce user experience include:

  • Difficult Navigation: If users can’t find what they’re looking for easily, they’re likely to abandon the site.
  • Complex Buying Processes: Complicated buying procedures can frustrate users and lower conversions.
  • Lack of Personalization: Personalization improves user experience and can increase customer loyalty.

Strategies to Improve User Experience in Your E-commerce. Branding services.

To overcome these challenges, here are some strategies you can implement:

  • Simplify Navigation: Ensure your website is easy to navigate, and users can find what they’re searching for swiftly.
  • Streamline the Buying Process: Minimize the steps required to complete a purchase and offer various payment options, like cryptocurrencies, a topic we delved into in our previous article.
  • Personalize the Experience: Use customer data to provide personalized recommendations and enhance their shopping experience.

Next. Branding agency.

In our next article, we’ll explore the “Impact of Social Media on E-commerce”, which ties in with today’s topic, as a good user experience should also extend to your social media channels.

If you need help improving the user experience on your e-commerce website, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Our team of experts is here to help you navigate the shifting landscape of digital commerce.


Impact of Social Media on e-commerce. Boutique branding agency California.

Welcome to another installment in our series of articles at Bigsur Branding, your trusted branding agency. Today, we’re going to explore the growing impact of social media on e-commerce and how you can leverage it to enhance your online sales strategy.

Why is Social Media Important for e-commerce? Rebranding.

Social media has become a catalyst for e-commerce. It facilitates product discovery, influences purchasing decisions, and offers new avenues for customer interaction.

Challenges and Opportunities in Using Social Media for e-commerce. Rebrand.

Social media presents both challenges and opportunities for businesses, including:

  • Channel Diversification: Businesses need to be present and active across various platforms to reach their target audience.
  • Customer Service: Social media allows for more immediate and personalized customer service.
  • Influence on Purchase Decisions: Opinions shared on social media can significantly affect customers’ purchasing decisions.
  • Targeted Advertising: The information that social media collects about users allows businesses to target their advertising more effectively.

Strategies to Optimize the Use of Social Media in e-commerce. Branding services.

To overcome these challenges and seize the opportunities, here are some strategies you can implement:

  • Use Social Media Advertising: Boost your online presence with targeted advertising on the platforms your target audience uses most.
  • Implement Social Shopping: Integrate purchasing options directly into your social media posts to facilitate the shopping process.
  • Encourage Interaction: Foster interaction with your followers to generate engagement and brand loyalty.

Next. Branding agency.

In our next article, we’ll be analyzing the “Culture of Immediacy: The Impact of Technology on Consumption Habits”. In the meantime, if you need help improving your e-commerce and social media strategy, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Culture of Immediacy: The Impact of Technology on Consumer Habits. Boutique branding agency New York.

Welcome to a new installment in our article series at Bigsur Branding, your trusted branding agency. Today, we’re diving into the culture of immediacy and how technology is reshaping our consumer habits.

Why is the Culture of Immediacy Important? Rebranding.

The culture of immediacy has become a defining feature of our digital era. With technology at our fingertips, consumers expect quick results and efficient services. This has had a profound impact on consumer habits, redefining customer expectations and behavior.

Challenges and Opportunities of the Culture of Immediacy. Rebrand.

Some of the challenges and opportunities presented by the culture of immediacy include:

  • Customer Expectations: Consumers expect quick responses and instant problem resolution.
  • E-commerce: As we discussed in our previous article on the “Impact of Social Media on E-commerce,” the ability to instantly purchase has changed the way people shop.
  • Advertising and Marketing: The ability to disseminate messages instantly can influence consumers’ purchasing decisions.
  • Technology: New technologies can help businesses keep up with consumer demands for fast and efficient services.

Strategies to Leverage the Culture of Immediacy. Branding services.

To overcome these challenges and seize the opportunities, here are some strategies you can implement:

  • Optimize Response Times: Use technology like chatbots and instant messaging apps to quickly respond to customer inquiries.
  • Incorporate Instant Purchase: In your e-commerce strategy, incorporate instant purchase to provide a seamless shopping experience.
  • Utilize Social Media for Marketing: Leverage the ability of social media to disseminate marketing messages instantly.

Next. Branding agency.

In our next article, we’ll navigate the post-pandemic wave and explore emerging marketing trends. In the meantime, if you need help adapting your business to the culture of immediacy, don’t hesitate to contact us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Riding the post-pandemic wave: Emerging marketing trends. Boutique branding agency Miami.

Welcome back to our ongoing series of articles at Bigsur Branding, your trusted branding agency. Today, we are diving into the post-pandemic era and exploring emerging trends in marketing.

Why are Post-Pandemic Trends Important? Rebranding.

The COVID-19 pandemic has radically changed the way we live and conduct business. Companies have had to adapt rapidly, and those adaptations are giving rise to new marketing trends.

Challenges and Opportunities of Post-Pandemic Marketing Trends. Rebrand.

Some of the challenges and opportunities presented by post-pandemic marketing trends include:

  • Changes in Consumer Habits: As we discussed in our previous article about the “Culture of Immediacy: The Impact of Technology on Consumer Habits”, consumer expectations have shifted.
  • E-commerce: The pandemic has accelerated the shift to e-commerce, creating new opportunities.
  • Digital Advertising and Marketing: The rise of remote work and time spent at home have increased digital media consumption.

Strategies to Leverage Post-Pandemic Trends. Branding services.

To overcome these challenges and seize the opportunities, here are some strategies you can implement:

  • Adapt Your Marketing Strategy: Ensure that your marketing strategy aligns with new consumer habits and expectations.
  • Optimize Your Online Presence: With the rise of e-commerce, it is crucial to have a strong and optimized online presence.
  • Leverage Digital Channels: Use digital channels to reach consumers where they are.

Next. Branding agency.

In our next article, we will be looking into how to connect with the millennial generation in your branding strategy. Meanwhile, if you need help adapting your business to post-pandemic marketing trends, do not hesitate to get in touch with us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Millennial Minds: How to connect with generation Y in your branding strategy. Boutique branding agency California.

Welcome back to our ongoing series of articles at Bigsur Branding, your trusted branding agency! Today, we’ll focus on the millennial generation, also known as Generation Y, and how to connect with them through your branding strategy.

Why is Generation Y Important? Rebranding.

Generation Y, composed of those born between 1981 and 1996, is a vital demographic group for many brands. Not only do they represent a significant portion of the global population, but they are also a major economic force with considerable influence on consumer trends.

Branding Challenges and Opportunities with Generation Y. Rebrand.

Some challenges and opportunities when engaging with Generation Y include:

  • High Expectations: As we mentioned in our previous article “Navigating the Post-Pandemic Wave: Emerging Marketing Trends”, this generation expects high-quality shopping experiences and customer service.
  • Social and Environmental Awareness: Millennials tend to support brands that align with their values, as discussed in our article “Green Branding: The Importance of Sustainable Marketing in the Digital Era”.
  • Digitally Savvy: Generation Y has grown up with technology and expects brands to have a strong and effective digital presence.

Strategies for Connecting with Generation Y. Branding services.

To overcome these challenges and seize the opportunities, here are some strategies you can implement:

  • Align Your Brand with Millennials’ Values: Display authenticity and commitment to social and environmental issues.
  • Utilize Digital Channels: Optimize your online presence and use social media to reach this demographic.
  • Provide High-Quality Experiences: Millennials value experiences, so make sure to provide exceptional customer service and a memorable shopping experience.

Next. Branding agency.

In our next article, we will explore the startups that are transforming the economy. In the meantime, if you need help connecting with Generation Y in your branding strategy, do not hesitate to get in touch with us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The platform revolution: The startups transforming the economy. Boutique branding agency New York.

Welcome back to our article series at Bigsur Branding, your trusted branding agency! Today, we delve into the world of startups and how they are transforming the economy through innovative platforms.

Why are Startups important? Rebranding.

Startups, small emerging companies aiming to solve societal problems in new and efficient ways, are playing an increasingly significant role in our economy. Thanks to their agility and capacity to innovate, startups can rapidly respond to shifting market demands and bring unique solutions to everyday challenges.

Challenges and opportunities in the platform economy. Rebrand.

The challenges and opportunities when engaging with the platform economy include:

  • Rapid change: Startups can pivot quickly, which can lead to a constantly changing market. While this can be a challenge for established companies, it also offers opportunities for innovation.
  • Technology integration: As mentioned in our previous article, “Millennial Minds: Connecting with Generation Y in Your Branding Strategy,” startups are often highly skilled at incorporating technology into their business models.
  • Adoption of emerging consumer trends: Startups are often at the forefront of new consumer trends, such as the collaborative economy or online commerce, as discussed in our article “The Challenge of Change: Adapting Your Business to New Payment Methods.”

Strategies to navigate the platform economy. Branding services.

To overcome these challenges and seize the opportunities, here are some strategies you can implement:

  • Encourage Innovation: Stay on top of the latest trends and don’t be afraid to experiment with new ideas.
  • Embrace Technology: Optimize your online presence and adopt new technologies that can benefit your business.
  • Listen to Your Customers: Stay in tune with your customers’ changing needs and desires so you can quickly adapt to new consumer trends.

Next. Branding agency.

In our next article, we will explore how to adapt your business to new forms of payment. In the meantime, if you need help navigating the platform economy, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at Bigsur Branding, your boutique branding agency in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Our Perspective

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